this is what cfls gave me...


so i just harvested one branch... and this is what the cfls gave... i think im going to switch to HPS


Active Member
Thats actually pretty good...
But yea, go 400wMH/400wHPS/C02 and increase bud size/yield.

Great Job with those cfls!!


Well-Known Member
Sweet, i realy dont know why people say cfls are crap because i got excellent buds too. And my electricity bill was unnoticable. Great work, what type of cfl's did you use and how many watts. I use 125 watt 6700k for veg and 250watt 2400k for flower. Heres some pics of my last grow.


Calyx LED
I'm not sure I agree either. I think CFL's do just fine when used properly. Plus you never have to worry about heat or power costs.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I used 6 CFLs on my last (soil) grow and I counted 100+ buds, some of which were as big as your biggest one there (to the OP of this thread) and some smaller like the size of a blueberry. It all depends how close you get the lights (and of course other things) but with CFLs it's about getting coverage and proximity - CFLs die off quickly after a few inches away!!

I harvested the one bagseed plant (6 CFLs, in soil) after 12 weeks of flowering and fighting hella high temps (90-100). I got just under 2 ounces. I used FIM and LST'd like crazy. It was like a SCROG but w/out the screen. :)


thanks guys.. i used around 300 watts... i'm still letting the rest grow they seem to be packing on more weight ... i only gave it nutes 3 times... :D i love grass... :D


Active Member
you can do alot for light coverage with a good relfector. more than 60% of a cfl's light starts off in a direction other than towards your plants.

a good reflector on the wall can do some good too. but the surface immediatly above the cfls needs to be as shiny and reflective as possible. i personally suggest a mirror becuase of its refractive index. and yes you can cut holes in a mirror without shatering it to dust if you follow some basic steps. glue it to a board, and either get a hole saw for tile, or a glass and tile bit, if you go with the bit, put down masking tape over the perimiter of your intended hole, making sure theres tape everywher you plan on drilling, and drill a series of holes around where you want the larger hole, remember to spray hole with water while drilling to prevent thermal shock to the glass.

or just break the damn mirror and glue the shit to fit like some kinda crazy disco growroom :-)


Active Member
Yeah I used 6 CFLs on my last (soil) grow and I counted 100+ buds, some of which were as big as your biggest one there (to the OP of this thread) and some smaller like the size of a blueberry. It all depends how close you get the lights (and of course other things) but with CFLs it's about getting coverage and proximity - CFLs die off quickly after a few inches away!!

I harvested the one bagseed plant (6 CFLs, in soil) after 12 weeks of flowering and fighting hella high temps (90-100). I got just under 2 ounces. I used FIM and LST'd like crazy. It was like a SCROG but w/out the screen. :)
Although what wattage were your CFL's? I just yielded over 2 super intense oz.'s with ten 42W cfl's and never went over 84° in my growbox.. and I didn't even have an exhaust, just a single clip fan. I think you may have had a ventilation issue that stunted growth.



Well-Known Member
lovely cfl's are about using wits.,.,and puting lights where ne3ded ect.,.,u can get heavy harvest with them like anything else

Illegal Smile

I would agree that watt for watt and bud for bud there are better alternatives than cfls. BUT, heat and cost tip the scales toward cfls for me. Plus flexibility - stick 2 42w in a big clamp reflector, move them around easily, those are my reasons.


word... im going to use both... hps on top and cfl's on the sides... but the mirror thing is a bad idea.. the way it refracts light makes hot spots...and unbalances the light :P