tell me about coke


Well-Known Member
cut coke burns and does nasty shit to your nose. raw coke feel like nothing when you snort it and literly makes your nose feel like its fucking frozen and the come down atleast for me off raw is not soo bad.

Dude, you don't even see the point. EVERY batch of coke sent over to north America is cut. Don't even try to argue that...

I argued one point and every time you tried to defend you posted the same bullshit defense you tried in the last post.

I'm no expert but I did research a whole lot before I decided to step into the void, and consume/experiment with the drugs I have done.


Well-Known Member
Just one other thing too. (can't edit my own posts.)

Thought I'd give you this tid bit f info to.

"The reason that cocaine can damage the inside of your nose is because it highly constricts blood vessels-- and therefore blood & oxygen/nutrient flow-- to that area."


Dude, you don't even see the point. EVERY batch of coke sent over to north America is cut. Don't even try to argue that...

I argued one point and every time you tried to defend you posted the same bullshit defense you tried in the last post.

I'm no expert but I did research a whole lot before I decided to step into the void, and consume/experiment with the drugs I have done.

man im tired of argueing with you. you think you know some shit but you dont. while no coke is 100% pure the shit comming directly from columbia/peru is lightyly cut to add stability to the yay pure 100% coke is an oil and needs to be dried by heating lights and a sprinkle of cut to help it dry. the shit comming threw mexico wich i will admitt most of the coke in usa is mexican. that shit is cut more then the columbians cut it. the columbians send raw threw florida. why the fuck would they cut it when they have tons of it??? use your head. i bet u have never had raw coke . the shit with the scorpians on it {mexican coke} is stepped on. the bricks with the number 5 stamped on them {columbian} is raw coke up into the low to mediam high 90's percent pure.


Well-Known Member
man im tired of argueing with you. you think you know some shit but you dont. while no coke is 100% pure the shit comming directly from columbia/peru is lightyly cut to add stability to the yay pure 100% coke is an oil and needs to be dried by heating lights and a sprinkle of cut to help it dry. the shit comming threw mexico wich i will admitt most of the coke in usa is mexican. that shit is cut more then the columbians cut it. the columbians send raw threw florida. why the fuck would they cut it when they have tons of it??? use your head. i bet u have never had raw coke . the shit with the scorpians on it {mexican coke} is stepped on. the bricks with the number 5 stamped on them {columbian} is raw coke up into the low to mediam high 90's percent pure.

Fuck, I'm done with you. Arguing with you is like arguing with a fucking gold fish.


Well considering you're arguing the same point over and over and completely ignoring my point.

Arguing with you is a insult to my intellectual integrity.

yeah cuzz my point is valid has fuck. how many kilos have you held in your hands threw your life????


Well-Known Member
cocaine removes your ability to reason. i did it for two years and didnt know how bad things had gotten until i quit. I was the person calling my dealer at 5am. Sure it starts a little bit here and there...and then more and more and more. It takes more quantity and have to do it more often to achieve the ultimate effect each time. Its expensive. And not just $$$ expensive. It does ruin relationships, lives, and family. If you are going to do it...put a serious limit on it.

Allow yourself only so much at a time.

This week....I'll only touch it for a couple hours at this party and then no more for 7 days.

This is not a drug for everyday use. This is a drug to use sparingly.

It blinded me. I lost damn near everything. I don't go near it anymore.


Well-Known Member
50-60 a gram. That's several lines. Eh, I never buy Coke but. Fucking awesome.
Yea, I love blow but its too damn expensive or me to make a habit of. I'll buy some now and then, but I hardly ever mess with it.

Also with hard drugs, the more involved you get, the crazier the people are that you start to meet. I've seen some fucked up junkies and dealers and those people are not cool.
Grow weed, smoke weed, and use other drugs on their own or in combination with weed, but do those drugs sparingly.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I love blow but its too damn expensive or me to make a habit of. I'll buy some now and then, but I hardly ever mess with it.

Also with hard drugs, the more involved you get, the crazier the people are that you start to meet. I've seen some fucked up junkies and dealers and those people are not cool.
Grow weed, smoke weed, and use other drugs on their own or in combination with weed, but do those drugs sparingly.

lol i know what you mean. i have interest in all drugs but dont wanna go out and have to meet the people youd have to meet in order to get the drugs ya know?


Well-Known Member
nah in oz we are paying 300 a gram that why i post this thread asking how to tell if im getting ripped off
im gonna do it ,i wanna do and ive done it before
im not gonna turn into a coke head ,i have good job and i dont wanna fuck it up
but its great how the people here just wanna help you out
well done riu ,with out you guys i would be wlking in there with my cock in my hands


Active Member
nah in oz we are paying 300 a gram that why i post this thread asking how to tell if im getting ripped off
im gonna do it
I'm sorry but if you pay that much, you're certified idiot. $300 a gram!!! You're getting fucked hard!!! That's PRISON PRICES!!! I was getting 10ml bottles of pharmaceutical cocaine (in liquid form) for $275. After drying it would come out to around 1.1 grams. But it would last a week just doing key-kicks.


Active Member
Cocaine usually runs from $40-60/gram in Florida to $90-115 in the northern states. It has been my experience that the more rare coke is, the more expensive it is, and the more cut it is, $300/gram is just plain crazy. That's more expensive than white heroin. How much is he selling 8-balls for, $1,000?!?! How much for a joint, $40?!?!
For more info on cocaine, check out