Seizures and Forfeitures


Can the feds take my home that my wife and children live in as well if I am caught growing weed in the attic, no more than 20 plants(including seedlings and cuttings?) Also I would like to know if my wife would go to jail if I say she had no idea because she never goes into the attic. What can the cops take, like my grow lights and stuff I am sure, but what about my house???
Can the feds take my home that my wife and children live in as well if I am caught growing weed in the attic, no more than 20 plants(including seedlings and cuttings?) Also I would like to know if my wife would go to jail if I say she had no idea because she never goes into the attic. What can the cops take, like my grow lights and stuff I am sure, but what about my house???

No idea but probably, cops can just about take anything they want any more

google your state laws
They can take your house, it's up to them whether they will want to or not and the deciding factor is whether there is a big morgage on it. They can't take it from the bank. If it's paid for, you inherited it, whatever they will want it and can take it.
How can they just take your home for breaking a law??? And could they take my wife to jail even if she had no idea about the grow op. I mean she does but I would say she does not.
the feds can and will fuck you with a spiked bat yess they can seize everything you own
usually everyone in the house,but obviously your out and your looking at felony charges i can tell you that, but expect some jail time(prison) and some probation on top of that
and depending on what state you're in they may slam a tax evasion charge on you.... for example, texas has a marijuana stamp tax, even though it's illegal on both the federal and state level.... the purpose of that law is not to generate any sort of revenue, but to add a "aggravating" clause to the charge... (the IRS is also known to slam tax evasion charges on money generating criminal activity,at least that's what I've heard)'s the pigs way of putting the max sentence on you.....
it all depends on what state you live in. look that shit up man and also make your area distant from everyone eles in the house put a lock on it, that only you have a key too. she knows nothing, tell her no mater what they tell her (when and if the shit hits the fan) to not to say she knew about it, they'r going to try to get her to say that she new something, if you care about your fam, tell them to save themselfves no. one, you should have kept them in the dark, no 2. the only way for them to save themself is to play ignorant and plead the 5 (say nothing) " i dont know what my husband does up there thats his office/mancave",or "daddy doesn't allow us to even come close to his office, if he's there or not,if we want him, we must call him on his phone first then he alwas come down "
and also get those guns (any and all weapons, even display & replacas) legal or not out of the house
and even after all of this there no tellin, they may still take the house, and send the wife to jail, and put the kids in temp. foster care
it all depends on what state you live in. look that shit up man and also make your area distant from everyone eles in the house put a lock on it, that only you have a key too. she knows nothing, tell her no mater what they tell her (when and if the shit hits the fan) to not to say she knew about it, they'r going to try to get her to say that she new something, if you care about your fam, tell them to save themselfves no. one, you should have kept them in the dark, no 2. the only way for them to save themself is to play ignorant and plead the 5 (say nothing) " i dont know what my husband does up there thats his office/mancave",or "daddy doesn't allow us to even come close to his office, if he's there or not,if we want him, we must call him on his phone first then he alwas come down "
and also get those guns (any and all weapons, even display & replacas) legal or not out of the house
and even after all of this there no tellin, they may still take the house, and send the wife to jail, and put the kids in temp. foster care

This is why, if god forbid id ever get searched. Anyone coming in the house is dead. I know its not much but hey, die free
I really don’t know the law stance on this. I’m meeting up with a mate this weekend whose is in the British police force so going ask him about it. I have 2 plants growing and the actual yield they will produce (one is auto flower and the other is a regular) will be hardly anything. I also have zero paraphernalia in my house and no track record. So what stance would the law take on this? In the UK I’m not sure. I’d be extremely surprised if I were caught that I’d be given jail time, I’d have thought having them confiscated, a slap on the wrist and a police caution.
Of course all the above advice is if you are using Daffy Duck for a lawyer. You know what you should do? Don't tell anyone. And I mean
wow is there some aweful advise being thrown around here.

how can someone plead both ignorance AND the 5th amendment?

the law will first never believe that your spouse didnt know and second will more than likely get them to spill somehow, its what they do.

last and most important...why are you asking here? try for local laws your gonna trust a dozen stoners before you actually check the laws?
wow is there some aweful advise being thrown around here.

how can someone plead both ignorance AND the 5th amendment?

the law will first never believe that your spouse didnt know and second will more than likely get them to spill somehow, its what they do.

last and most important...why are you asking here? try for local laws your gonna trust a dozen stoners before you actually check the laws?
Guilty or innocent, ignorant or complict you should always plead the 5th!!! Always!!! If you get busted any thing you say is going to be used against you. Nothing you say is going to help you. Whenever dealing with the police Don't even talk except name, rank and serial #. This is such an important and fundamental right. One of the few we have left. If, God forbid, any of us are taken down we are going to need all the help we can get. So take advantage of the 5th because it may help save you.
Guilty or innocent, ignorant or complict you should always plead the 5th!!! Always!!! If you get busted any thing you say is going to be used against you. Nothing you say is going to help you. Whenever dealing with the police Don't even talk except name, rank and serial #. This is such an important and fundamental right. One of the few we have left. If, God forbid, any of us are taken down we are going to need all the help we can get. So take advantage of the 5th because it may help save you.

pleading the 5th is admitting guilt. plain and simple.

you say anything you say can and will be used against you...just like if you say, 'i plead the 5th'.

so, you say........


this thread is stupid and so is anyone taking legal advise from a pot growing site. why dont you check a legal forum?:wall:
Damn that seems extreme!!! Do you think a few plants are worth peoples lives?

It's not just a plant, it is a way of life.

There is little difference from what is happening to cannabis consumers to what happened in Germany, Rwandan and Bosnia.

We are the “pagans,” “savages,” “uncouth barbarians,” “unbelievers,” “effete degenerates,” “ritual outlaws,” “racial inferiors,” “class antagonists,” “counterrevolutionaries,” and so on.
They conduct campaigns of vilification and dehumanization of us, attempting to impose conformity to an ideology and its model of society.

We are imprisoned, tortured, killed, denied education and employment, have our children kidnaped and our property stolen.

We are a group that is being persecuted because of our common cultural background.
It is the deliberate and systematic destruction of us and our way of life.

It is genocide.