Seizures and Forfeitures

It's not just a plant, it is a way of life.

There is little difference from what is happening to cannabis consumers to what happened in Germany, Rwandan and Bosnia.

We are the “pagans,” “savages,” “uncouth barbarians,” “unbelievers,” “effete degenerates,” “ritual outlaws,” “racial inferiors,” “class antagonists,” “counterrevolutionaries,” and so on.
They conduct campaigns of vilification and dehumanization of us, attempting to impose conformity to an ideology and its model of society.

We are imprisoned, tortured, killed, denied education and employment, have our children kidnaped and our property stolen.

We are a group that is being persecuted because of our common cultural background.
It is the deliberate and systematic destruction of us and our way of life.

It is genocide.

This is exactly it. If they took my plants and thats it. It would be different, you dont threaten me and my family with wrongful imprisonment just because a corrupt fascist government is help bent taking over every aspects of our lives, killing us through drugs, air, water, food, vaccines ect....making nonsensical laws, looting our country and giving the money to off shore banks.

Make no mistakes my friends this country is at war and we are on the right side.
ok i am gonna stop the paranoia party. if you get cought growing what usually happens is you get a fine and have to do community service. these guys are talking about a serous grower.

your not going to jail for >20 plants
weres fox lake?

I didn't finish the thread, so not sure if this was answered

but Fox lake is in lake county, and I can tell you from experience lake county are MFer's

God help you if you get caught up in their system. Apparently there isn't enough crime in lake county, so they like to milk every case as if it's a high crime. take care
pleading the 5th is admitting guilt. plain and simple.

you say anything you say can and will be used against you...just like if you say, 'i plead the 5th'.

so, you say........


this thread is stupid and so is anyone taking legal advise from a pot growing site. why dont you check a legal forum?:wall:

well isnt that their choice?
I personally think any advice is good. and I dont think its kind to be saying peope are stupid for asking for advice here , i mean they just want answers and who better to ask than people whom are in the same boat as you?
I agree with astaldoath. Only 2 things Ima die for, my freedom and my red bandana. Ain't no one about to take those two things away from me. Big respect to astaldoath for keepin it real.:peace:
I agree with astaldoath. Only 2 things Ima die for, my freedom and my red bandana. Ain't no one about to take those two things away from me. Big respect to astaldoath for keepin it real.:peace:

thats whats up BLOOD.....
You real funny. Fdd2blk ain't here to save your little ass now. What's poppin crab??? Why is yor blood red? Cause god was a blood.You crossin a very thin line boy.

bro i would smash on ur ass dog. cake ass nigga. fuck a blood and crip. cobra luv till the world blow. yeah look that shit up on google like how u did bloods. insane spanish cobras . we all laffing at you bro. and it j ust gets funnier your a walking punchline
well isnt that their choice?
I personally think any advice is good. and I dont think its kind to be saying peope are stupid for asking for advice here , i mean they just want answers and who better to ask than people whom are in the same boat as you?

any advise is good?!? any advise? are you serious? how about the guy who says hes gonna shoot it out with the feds till everyone is dead over 5 plants? and fuck the people in the same boat. im gonna put my legal trust in someone with a law degree in thier boat.:dunce:
You real funny. Fdd2blk ain't here to save your little ass now. What's poppin crab??? Why is yor blood red? Cause god was a blood.You crossin a very thin line boy.

boy am i glad i saved this one. heres the big bad blood in the flesh, as posted by the clown himself a few weeks ago.


hes so thuggish.
boy am i glad i saved this one. heres the big bad blood in the flesh, as posted by the clown himself a few weeks ago.


hes so thuggish.

he thinks he is bangin hard with his extra small flooding pants and red pennyloafers
This is why, if god forbid id ever get searched. Anyone coming in the house is dead. I know its not much but hey, die free

thats a little over the top, but i think you are trying to explain that you just dont let people all up in your shit, so you dont have to worry about getting snitched on

I really don’t know the law stance on this. I’m meeting up with a mate this weekend whose is in the British police force so going ask him about it. I have 2 plants growing and the actual yield they will produce (one is auto flower and the other is a regular) will be hardly anything. I also have zero paraphernalia in my house and no track record. So what stance would the law take on this? In the UK I’m not sure. I’d be extremely surprised if I were caught that I’d be given jail time, I’d have thought having them confiscated, a slap on the wrist and a police caution.

just because he is the police does not mean that he knows the in's and out's of every law even lawyer have to reasearch every case. your best bet is to look online and gather info and then ask hem to translate all the legal in for.

wow is there some aweful advise being thrown around here.

how can someone plead both ignorance AND the 5th amendment?
the law will first never believe that your spouse didnt know and second will more than likely get them to spill somehow, its what they do.

last and most important...why are you asking here? try for local laws your gonna trust a dozen stoners before you actually check the laws?

you can just say nothing- and the reason people ask question on here is in hopes of getting direct info. right from the horses mouth (someone who might have had personal exsp. with the same situation)

where as a site like norml is all info. noone live to talk to , but more then likely he will go there allso , like one guy said this is a life style for some, so there is allways new thing to learn, the laws are always changing, so it wont really hurt to ask anything anywhere,

a person who knows everything, know less then a person who know nothing, because a person who know nothing will atleast ask, while a person who knows everything will go on as if they have all the answers

It's not just a plant, it is a way of life.

There is little difference from what is happening to cannabis consumers to what happened in Germany, Rwandan and Bosnia.

We are the “pagans,” “savages,” “uncouth barbarians,” “unbelievers,” “effete degenerates,” “ritual outlaws,” “racial inferiors,” “class antagonists,” “counterrevolutionaries,” and so on.
They conduct campaigns of vilification and dehumanization of us, attempting to impose conformity to an ideology and its model of society.

We are imprisoned, tortured, killed, denied education and employment, have our children kidnaped and our property stolen.

We are a group that is being persecuted because of our common cultural background.
It is the deliberate and systematic destruction of us and our way of life.

It is genocide.

i like this , a little over the top , but i like it
I agree with astaldoath. Only 2 things Ima die for, my freedom and my red bandana. Ain't no one about to take those two things away from me. Big respect to astaldoath for keepin it real.:peace:
If the Feds are involved you can bet they will try to take your house (if you have any equity) and most state laws are authored from Federal Forfeiture laws. Don't think they will over 20 plants? I had my car taken over an ounce of weed once, the very first question they asked when they found the weed is 'is your car paid for', no joke.
This is their whole motivation to bust people.

As far as your wife goes a very real possibility is they will charge her just to get you to plead guilty to more serious charges. Don't think that because its only 20 plants they will give you a slap on the wrist, the DEA puts a value of something like $4800 per plant and most local agencies follow that, so to them you have $96,000 worth of weed. This is how they make it look more serious than it is and how they justify forfeiture of property.
i rent my house, so let em try to take it.. the only problem with rental properties is the need to modify them.. i got lucky with my situation. really lax landlord.
oh btw, i love watching all the arguments about mysticlown! you know your right!!! never back down!!! any of you, i like the amusment :p
"Damn that seems extreme!!! Do you think a few plants are worth peoples lives? "

well the enemy seems to think so, We did not make up the game, we are only players.