Well-Known Member
It's not just a plant, it is a way of life.
There is little difference from what is happening to cannabis consumers to what happened in Germany, Rwandan and Bosnia.
We are the pagans, savages, uncouth barbarians, unbelievers, effete degenerates, ritual outlaws, racial inferiors, class antagonists, counterrevolutionaries, and so on.
They conduct campaigns of vilification and dehumanization of us, attempting to impose conformity to an ideology and its model of society.
We are imprisoned, tortured, killed, denied education and employment, have our children kidnaped and our property stolen.
We are a group that is being persecuted because of our common cultural background.
It is the deliberate and systematic destruction of us and our way of life.
It is genocide.
This is exactly it. If they took my plants and thats it. It would be different, you dont threaten me and my family with wrongful imprisonment just because a corrupt fascist government is help bent taking over every aspects of our lives, killing us through drugs, air, water, food, vaccines ect....making nonsensical laws, looting our country and giving the money to off shore banks.
Make no mistakes my friends this country is at war and we are on the right side.