My seeds were seized.......................


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If you want to have fun but might get a bit of trouble when they sent the next forfieture letter. Wipe your ass with it and return to sender. They will get your point but might wanna come hang out with you


Mr I Can Do That For Half
sounds funny right but I did it to a cfompany who wouldnt stop sending fucking promotion magazines to my house and they stopped after that.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
doesnt matter if your gonna grow them its the part that they are live seeds which makes them illegal lol have them sent in a mini coffen for burial


Active Member
It dosnt even contain thc in the seed and they f****ing seize it. Theres others they need to worrie about , like boxes of crack going through the mail lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The second letter may come and it may not come. Some get it some dont .Seems like from people I know who get seeds intercepted about half dont get the second letter.I remember when stealth meant you got a birthday card with seeds taped to it lol tha was along time ag though lol


Thats a bad idea ! why would you send seeds to a house where you intend to grow weed ?
A seed bank in the uk got busted not to long ago and the reason they got busted was they were also growing weed, you never know what chain your getting into, the police took the pc and then many busts followed as the pc contained all the info they needed, you cant trust anyone in this game why take a chance with sending seeds to your to be grow area, thats just crazy.

I didn't mean ship them to your grow house, I was moving and shipped the seeds to my parents house before I moved out on my own. What I'm saying is just ship it to a real address with a real name, I'm sure everyone has at least one friend or relative that would let you ship to their place. Hope this helps somebody out


Well-Known Member
Just means they found them. guy is a good guy. Let him know he will resend he guarantees shipment rcipt. Just dont ever be a dummy as I see them on all the time and dont order to your own house or even worse to where you ll grow anyone who does this should not grow as it means they are retarded lol Use a safe addressa and not a PO box god that was a dumb suggestion. Your name goes on the po box when you sign up you show id so no excuse its you if followed up on. The less its in postal areas the better. but anyways just email them and he will resend
So you are saying to send it to someone else's property and not your own? Let some unsuspecting slob get the letter from homeland security instead of the person who bought it? If the Department of Homeland security cares to prosecute me for ordering 5 seeds, fine. The world must be a lot safer than I thought. Any puss-bag that would get someone else in trouble instead of taking responsibility themselves can piss-off you puss-bags.:fire:


Well-Known Member
So you are saying to send it to someone else's property and not your own? Let some unsuspecting slob get the letter from homeland security instead of the person who bought it? If the Department of Homeland security cares to prosecute me for ordering 5 seeds, fine. The world must be a lot safer than I thought. Any puss-bag that would get someone else in trouble instead of taking responsibility themselves can piss-off you puss-bags.:fire:

There is no need for them to get in any trouble - if cops rock up and they arrest them, plead ignorance - "some1 must have sent them to me in order to have me arrested".
Once they seize their PC and cannot PROVE they ordered them, they WILL be released.


This is a real good topic and I know some may think "stop beating a dead horse".

My question is that this forum is open to the public to read.
The ones I belong to need an invitation to join. But blocked for the public to read.

All the pros will say it's not so much what your doing that you'll get caught, its the circumstances around it.


Driving in the car, you swerve to miss a cat, accidentally bump the squad car driving next to you.
Mr. Police officer sees your bowl in the ashtray.
( not that this has happened to me *cough.. *cough)

But it was the situation of that damn cat.

I'm saying,........... that if they really wanted to get anyone??...................
They can sit on a forum, intercept your IP, see where you are.. you mention something... and *knock at the door.

I think some of you should maybe go for more of a mellower bud?
I hate the paranoids.
( change your smoke.......... seriously....... )

Listen... For our country to have a living plant illegal is ridiculous.
I can see if the plant had to be processed to heighten the effect, but it's just dried and used.
If the research is done, you will see that its actually the lowest of all hallucinogens.
I'm growing Kratom which is still legal in my state and it will kick the best of em.
If you prefer something really wicked, go for the Salvia divinorum!
Here again a plant and still legal in many states.
2007 made it illegal in a few states.
But it's still legal in many! Erowid
My state we're still in legislation to legalize medical marijuana.
Which I have degenerate disease and had 3 disks replaced in my neck and need 2 more replaced. So you can imagine the pain I go through just looking down.
I would much rather smoke a natural product given by god, then to fry my liver on some Vicodins.
So ya, I have my MRI's, X-rays you name it out by the front door in case I get a knock by men in suits. ( did today but they were Jehovah's witnesses.. lol )
But seriously.........
The law is the law, but there are ways around it as well. :clap:

( by the way, I'm female )