Is my plant Wasting energy healing itself?


Well-Known Member
She only about a foot tall, n she has about 10 or 11 main nodes, one of the fan leaves were torn off due to a fan that felt like basejumpng off a shelf, n another was snapped in half at the node. This happened over a week ago, n I didn't kno if I should just snip off that one that's snapped open but not all the way thru.. It's still green n the stem of the leaf is still green, but there is also q couple burns from before I knew the hazards of Misting on the snapped leaf as well.. Remove it? N I also have a leaf where an inch or two of the tip is all burnt.. What should I do about that one? I'm assuming the plants jut burning all it's energy on this becaus growth has slowed down.. But I'm afraid to get rid of leaves cuz I only have like 10 fan leaves left if I remove one.. What to do? +rep for help..

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
try not to trim any fan leaves off if there is some green left in it. the plant will shed the useless leaves on its own.
the damaged one, as long as its still green then leave it. the plants are very efficient on healing themselves.
what size pot is it in? may be rootbound causing the slow growth.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
2 gallon I think
2 gallon is big enough for now. i like to go 3 - 5 gallon but 2 will work.

how old is the plant?

so you lost a couple of leaves but 10 or 11 nodes should be 22 leaves. you only have 10? what happened to the rest?

what kind of lights and how many hours a day of light/dark?

what are your temps. in the grow room?

plenty of ventilation?

what kind of medium is in your pots?

how often do you water and how much?

are you feeding them and what?

what is the ph of your water?


Well-Known Member
First of all I love the fact that ur breaking it down like this, makes it much more simple for me

two and a half months old, was outside during the day n inside during night (I don't trust anybody) and the sun in NY lately has been crap.. 6 hours sun max, many rainy/shitty days, so I just put them inside under cfls, just one plant is inside the rest I still give shitty sunlight till I make a closet or tent setup with poly film

actually I'm on the 9th node growing right now, I have 15 leaves(@ 8 nodes) cuz the one that fell off, n I meant I only have 10 fan leaves that are decent in size, the others r like 3 pointers (grown from seed)

I have 2-30 watt 3500k, 1-26watt 6500k, n 1-20watt 6500k, setup ontop n around the plant


Well-Known Member
don't have a thermometer In my closet but it doesn't get hot because the closet door stay open to a small room with a/c on 70 all day n at night I shut the closet cuz it's blinding, I had a fan on em but it broke when it fell on my plants lol I need to get another one, top temp over night in the closet stays under 80 tho

They r grown in natural soil (I gotta lotta earthworms in my backyard), gardening soil .8-.5-.5, n some topsoil mixed in for a little airation

I used to overwater, but that was over a month ago, then I starved it for 2 weeks to dry up the soil, then got it on a weekly watering schedule maybe every 6 days, use about 25-30 ounces at a time

I haven't ever given them anything besides the soil Which was practically nothing, but just yesterday I actually used a very small amount of miracle grow diluted water.. It is for tomatoes 18-18-21.. But besides that one watering, nothing..

I use filtered water ph around 6.8... The miracle grow dilute was about 6.3 with the MG in it

now takethis all, and make me have a better plant lol


Well-Known Member
Btw, it's only bout a foot tall, already showing pistils on 3 nodes, n I give it 24 hours of light now with the cfls, I was hoping to get some more hEight before flowering, so I could get some more budsites... Please anything that could help get that done +++rep

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
sounds like you are doing really well. you seem to know the basics. the reason they dont seem to be growing is you have them under 24 hours light, which is fine.

i like to do 18/6 lighting for veg then go to 12/12.

if you switch it to 18/6 you will start to see more growth in height, but not necesarily more bud sites due to the stretching during the dark times.

go easy on those tomatoe nutes, and get some flowering nutes ready for when you switch to 12/12.

as far as the plant healing itself, it just makes it stronger, but lets not stress it anymore lol. without a pic i really cant say much more. just try and leave the leaves as long as you can.

have you thought about lights for the flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was going to use 3-2700k cfls, a 3500k, n a small 20w 6500k for the one plant.. Mixed evenly that should work right?

Illegal Smile

Actually, I think you had it right in the title, except for the term waste. The plant is using energy to heal itself, diverting that energy away from normal growth. it's that or die. It may mean the plant will be 2 weeks late reaching maturity, but it could easily be back to 100% by then.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that the fan leaves are important because they are but has long has the stem has recived no damage don't worry it will bounce back.The fan leaf that still has some attached just cut it back to where the break is and it will do fine.


Well-Known Member
For flowering, if I were to add a couple more bulbs, which kind/color should I add to what I already said? Like if I were to add two more, should I just add two more 2700k since I already will have a 6500k n 2- 3500k? Thanks bro +rep for the help so far

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
go with a couple more 2700k since that is better for flowering and you already have the 6500k for the blue light of the spectrum.
when you go to 12/12 the plant will double in size so as it grows, add lights for side lighting if you have the room.


Well-Known Member
go with a couple more 2700k since that is better for flowering and you already have the 6500k for the blue light of the spectrum.
when you go to 12/12 the plant will double in size so as it grows, add lights for side lighting if you have the room.
thanks again smoke... i'm gonna go with 4-2700k, maybe 5, and throw in the 26w 6500k.. my girl is pushin 13 inches now.. watcha think? should i start flowering yet? how tall u think it will end up? and in the last two pics, it shows one of the first little branch that comes out of a node, could i cut that and clone it yet? would it need to be bigger?

idk if i +repped u but im gonna again just cuz ur helping a lot lol


Well-Known Member
thanks again smoke... i'm gonna go with 4-2700k, maybe 5, and throw in the 26w 6500k.. my girl is pushin 13 inches now.. watcha think? should i start flowering yet? how tall u think it will end up? and in the last two pics, it shows one of the first little branch that comes out of a node, could i cut that and clone it yet? would it need to be bigger?

idk if i +repped u but im gonna again just cuz ur helping a lot lol
yea forgot to add pics lol here they are..


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
ok for starters i appreciate the rep but you did not give it to me. you need to click on the balance beam scales in upper right corner on one of my posts to give me rep. but its all good anyways. and dont forget to leave your name in the comment box.

is that just 1 plant? by the looks of the 3rd pic it is female.

i would top off the pot with some more soil up to about an inch from the top.

as far as the clones. i like them to be about 3" long when i take them.

when you switch to 12/12 you can plan on the plant to at least double in size.


Well-Known Member
haha sorry im an asshole the second i hit submit i ran downstairs n forgot about ur rep lol but i just added, im gonna go do the soil now, how long till i should switch the lights n go 12/12?