Help! Plants are strange - pics

Hi there all!
My baby is 2 weeks old now and starting to show some spots on the leaves that are lighter in color thatn other places. Please see picture. What could this be and what should I do??
Edit: I just found some test strips and they indicate a ph of 7.2. That's too high right?? Could this be the reason for these spots?


Hi there all!
My baby is 2 weeks old now and starting to show some spots on the leaves that are lighter in color thatn other places. Please see picture. What could this be and what should I do??
Edit: I just found some test strips and they indicate a ph of 7.2. That's too high right?? Could this be the reason for these spots?

No one has any clue about this???


Well-Known Member
Hi there all!
My baby is 2 weeks old now and starting to show some spots on the leaves that are lighter in color thatn other places. Please see picture. What could this be and what should I do??
Edit: I just found some test strips and they indicate a ph of 7.2. That's too high right?? Could this be the reason for these spots?
looks to be a deficiency, shoot 4 5.8-6.2


Well-Known Member
Hi there all!
My baby is 2 weeks old now and starting to show some spots on the leaves that are lighter in color thatn other places. Please see picture. What could this be and what should I do??
Edit: I just found some test strips and they indicate a ph of 7.2. That's too high right?? Could this be the reason for these spots?

could be powdery mildew, spots from misting with the lights on and also heat spots starting to form and yes your ph is high you want it inbetween 5.8-6.3 give or take

use like 2 drops of lime juice in your water and water your plant to lower ph levels


Well-Known Member
Hi there all!
My baby is 2 weeks old now and starting to show some spots on the leaves that are lighter in color thatn other places. Please see picture. What could this be and what should I do??
Edit: I just found some test strips and they indicate a ph of 7.2. That's too high right?? Could this be the reason for these spots?
They look pretty sweet to me. Definately monitor your Ph levels in your water, keep it around 6-6.5. This is very important!
Every time you water, check it.

Its not nute burn, that starts yellowing from the tips of the leaf inward.
could be powdery mildew, spots from misting with the lights on and also heat spots starting to form and yes your ph is high you want it inbetween 5.8-6.3 give or take

use like 2 drops of lime juice in your water and water your plant to lower ph levels
I do have the lights on while misting....could be that the water focuses the light too much in some spots...hmm. I will try to avoid it for a while and see if it changes. I have lowered the ph as well and given them a good watering with lower ph water. See what happens now. Thanks for all the help!! + rep to all of you who gave suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you definitely do not want to mist the plants with the lights on, in fact misting the plants shouldn't even be done. Just make sure you have your pH around 6.5, or else you will end up with what I am going through, check my journal the last page has the pictures. I am in the process of trying to save the girls I hope it's not to late.
Yeah you definitely do not want to mist the plants with the lights on, in fact misting the plants shouldn't even be done. Just make sure you have your pH around 6.5, or else you will end up with what I am going through, check my journal the last page has the pictures. I am in the process of trying to save the girls I hope it's not to late.

I sure hope your girls will make it. I will stop misting and see what that gives. They seemed to like it in the beginning, but it's just not the case anymore so...


Well-Known Member
If you want to mist just do it when the lights are off, that is the safest way. Yeah I have one super strong lady who is thriving right now. The other three are struggling to make it. I am sure I saved them today tho, I had to do some massive soil removal and add some new fresh soil. They got real perky after and I think they will do fine they are big girls pushing 24"
If you want to mist just do it when the lights are off, that is the safest way. Yeah I have one super strong lady who is thriving right now. The other three are struggling to make it. I am sure I saved them today tho, I had to do some massive soil removal and add some new fresh soil. They got real perky after and I think they will do fine they are big girls pushing 24"
Sweet! I will follow the progress in your journal. Peace!


Well-Known Member
could possibly be a sign of a mg deficiency, diagnose you plant from the bottom up.
since its the top of the plants that means that the whole plant has taken it part and is leaving the tips of the plant deficiency. let your ph problem even out. and changing your ph might start yellowing the leaves or curling them a bit dont freek. its normal
and id try a bit of epsom salts, if it is a trace element thats the deficancy thatll even it out


Well-Known Member
id put it in with your next watering, if it doesnt need it the plant will store it in the soil just dont add it every watering youll be ok.
PICS of my girls will b added soon, with some new Issues that I am going to need some help with.
Hi Again Guys!
With all the help I got last time fresh in my memory, I thought I would turn to you again with my clones.
I have taken 3 clones from my biggest mother plant who is now a month and a half old. The clones are have been cut from the bottom of the mother. They are quite young...only appeared on the mother 2 weeks ago (or something like that).
I cut them off today at a 45 degree angle and dipped them in rooting gel before inserting them into the rockwool cubes. The cubes had been soaked before.
The problem is that the clones are SUPER sensitive...they started wilting after 10 minutes, and only seem to recover if I mist them. I was told that I wasn't supposed to mist when the lights are on, but I feel that these babies won't make it if I don't. Please see the pics. The clones are in the first three pictures. The fourth one is the proud mother. Five and six are the two other plants that are destined to be mothers, and the two following show my setup and the hood that I have put in place for the clones to stay in humidity a bit more.
Any thoughts??

