Is my plant Wasting energy healing itself?

the reason they dont seem to be growing is you have them under 24 hours light, which is fine.

i like to do 18/6 lighting for veg then go to 12/12.

if you switch it to 18/6 you will start to see more growth in height, but not necesarily more bud sites due to the stretching during the dark times.
I'm afraid you're misinformed. Straight from the horse's mouth:
Ed Rosenthal said:
The plant can photosynthesize continuously so it produces the most energy and growth when the light is on, continuously. Continuous light does not stress the plant, which reacts somewhat mechanistically to it.

Plants under an 18-6 light-dark regimen are producing sugar only three quarters of the time. They are thus growing at only 75% of their potential. Leaving the light on continuously will result in bigger plants, faster, which leads to higher yields."


Well-Known Member
don't have a thermometer In my closet but it doesn't get hot because the closet door stay open to a small room with a/c on 70 all day n at night I shut the closet cuz it's blinding, I had a fan on em but it broke when it fell on my plants lol I need to get another one, top temp over night in the closet stays under 80 tho

They r grown in natural soil (I gotta lotta earthworms in my backyard), gardening soil .8-.5-.5, n some topsoil mixed in for a little airation

I used to overwater, but that was over a month ago, then I starved it for 2 weeks to dry up the soil, then got it on a weekly watering schedule maybe every 6 days, use about 25-30 ounces at a time

I haven't ever given them anything besides the soil Which was practically nothing, but just yesterday I actually used a very small amount of miracle grow diluted water.. It is for tomatoes 18-18-21.. But besides that one watering, nothing..

I use filtered water ph around 6.8... The miracle grow dilute was about 6.3 with the MG in it

now takethis all, and make me have a better plant lol
A tidbit. Better get those night time temps down. Shoot for 10 below daytime, 65 is sweet.:weed:If not flowering will take forever.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
haha sorry im an asshole the second i hit submit i ran downstairs n forgot about ur rep lol but i just added, im gonna go do the soil now, how long till i should switch the lights n go 12/12?
thanks for the rep. much appreciated.
as far as when to go to 12/12 is up to you. like i said it will at least double in size when you go to 12/12. at this point already i think you need to add some side lighting. the lower section of the plant needs light. your going to loose some of those lower fan leaves soon, and the side lighting will help with the new lower branches. a cfl can only penetrate a short distance so having them all up high will do no good for the lower part of the plant. the longer you wait to go to 12/12 the more side lighting you will need before your done.
i just meant that an 18/6 would appear to grow faster because of the stretch during dark time.
That's true, and it can be good for inter-node light penetration. However, if you're just talking about growth and you know how to LST the plant to get good light penetration regardless, 24/0 is the way to go. This is why farmers are able to grow preposterously large produce in Alaska and other northern regions that experience very little darkness in the summer.