Heroin addiction


Well-Known Member
how come your avitar says dont do drugs but ur on a weed website? you talk alot of shit let me know next time ur in da chi we can "talk" like men
where i live people don't really consider it a drug, although i know it is.. im not indebted to this plant, i use it a few times a week and i feel no dependence. i consider the REAL drugs, ones that change you physically or psychologically, and that very quickly can become addictive.


where i live people don't really consider it a drug, although i know it is.. im not indebted to this plant, i use it a few times a week and i feel no dependence. i consider the REAL drugs, ones that change you physically or psychologically, and that very quickly can become addictive.

im addicted to weed :weed::weed: lol


Well-Known Member
H is everywhere in my town right now, its cheaper and easier than good bud, im having a hard time not getting any


New Member
hey chiTS, i came into this wanting to give the person who started the thread the only thing i've got. experience with junkies. So i laugh cuz you respond fast...then you flip me off and say my sister is fast. WTF!? are you here to help? It was a serious question about if you really think it's great to have so much H in chicago. If you are really advocating using smack, which apparently you are (especially in a thread about a friend dying), you don't have much compassion or brains. The forum's stated purpose is for people to connect and HELP EACH OTHER.

If you want to troll, go do it at THCfarmer, please.


hey chiTS, i came into this wanting to give the person who started the thread the only thing i've got. experience with junkies. So i laugh cuz you respond fast...then you flip me off and say my sister is fast. WTF!? are you here to help? It was a serious question about if you really think it's great to have so much H in chicago. If you are really advocating using smack, which apparently you are (especially in a thread about a friend dying), you don't have much compassion or brains. The forum's stated purpose is for people to connect and HELP EACH OTHER.

If you want to troll, go do it at THCfarmer, please.

first off im sorry about your sister shit i thought u were tryna insult my intelligence ok? i dont advacate using heroin at all. its garbadge i know that i hope you do to? if it was soo great and i thought it was dont you think id be a junkie piece of shit lowlife?but people are gonna do it and they need to get it from somewere no?


New Member
first off im sorry about your sister shit i thought u were tryna insult my intelligence ok? i dont advacate using heroin at all. its garbadge i know that i hope you do to? if it was soo great and i thought it was dont you think id be a junkie piece of shit lowlife?but people are gonna do it and they need to get it from somewere no?

Thanks ChiTS. no i wasn't. and yes peeps will do it as long as there's peeps...BUT some might make better choices than those ODed peeps i mentioned if they know the truth...probably not, but trying to do the right thing because it might help is better than just saying fuck it and letting them turn into a junkie. right?

sorry you thought i was pokin' fun...easy to think since I'm usually being clown @RIU




Thanks ChiTS. no i wasn't. and yes peeps will do it as long as there's peeps...BUT some might make better choices than those ODed peeps i mentioned if they know the truth...probably not, but trying to do the right thing because it might help is better than just saying fuck it and letting them turn into a junkie. right?

sorry you thought i was pokin' fun...easy to think since I'm usually being clown @RIU


tru to a point, but i like to think most people are smart enough to make there own decissions no?


New Member
tru to a point, but i like to think most people are smart enough to make there own decissions no?
exactly, but they MIGHT make better decisions if they are informed.

Probably not...yeah, probably not. but even a junkie's life worth trying to save IMO. Believe me, i have given up and cut more than one from my life.


exactly, but they MIGHT make better decisions if they are informed.

Probably not...yeah, probably not. but even a junkie's life worth trying to save IMO. Believe me, i have given up and cut more than one from my life.

im sure everybody knows addicts or otherwise heroin is bad for you.


Well-Known Member
i use to work at a three quarter way house for drug addicts, one of the tenatents (paul) said he has not seen his nabor/co-worker (jeff) in a couple days and he has not shown up to work and that is not like him he has not missed a day in 2 years. jeff came into the office 3 days before to pay rent and was shooting the shit and joking about relapsing, his drug of choice was that H. so i told his nabor (paul) that i would go into his and make sure everything was ok( some people just leave and some go out on runs(to do drugs) and sell almost everything they have to buy their drug of choice) so as i was walking up to his door i smelt this foul oddor, i thought it was rotting food, i opened the door and see him lying on the floor with the needle still in his arm and the turnakit in his hand, his skin was inflated from decomposition and it smelt like rotting milk that was years old, that has scared me for life, one life lesson i did not have to learn first hand.


i use to work at a three quarter way house for drug addicts, one of the tenatents (paul) said he has not seen his nabor/co-worker (jeff) in a couple days and he has not shown up to work and that is not like him he has not missed a day in 2 years. jeff came into the office 3 days before to pay rent and was shooting the shit and joking about relapsing, his drug of choice was that H. so i told his nabor (paul) that i would go into his and make sure everything was ok( some people just leave and some go out on runs(to do drugs) and sell almost everything they have to buy their drug of choice) so as i was walking up to his door i smelt this foul oddor, i thought it was rotting food, i opened the door and see him lying on the floor with the needle still in his arm and the turnakit in his hand, his skin was inflated from decomposition and it smelt like rotting milk that was years old, that has scared me for life, one life lesson i did not have to learn first hand.

i feel you thats an all too common site in chicagos allies, but they know what there getting into


Ye it does, ha. No worries, i aint judging you. Dont know your story, dont know shit bout you. Cant say shit bout you.

Take it easy brother


ight you take it easy to bro good chatting with you


Well-Known Member
anyone think i should get a bundle for $10 because i cant get good herb or simple perks in my town right now


anyone think i should get a bundle for $10 because i cant get good herb or simple perks in my town right now

naw you dont wanna go down that road...unless you really wanna go down that road


Well-Known Member
i know i dont, it sucks its all thats around.

i know i could make a .1 last 2 days atleast, i just want to get good and wrecked with my $10


Active Member
wtf.. you are a fucking idiot. i did not vote for obama.. but he does not deserve to be talked about by a low life dope dealer.

YOU are one of the reasons the country is in bad shape. dont blame the pres. The president is trying to help the people YOU kill. You are a burden on society, you fuck everything up for the hard workers, you ruin lives, and families.. and YOU are seriously giong to sit here and talk shit to someone with an education in chemistry, and about the president?!?!?! wow.. if the DEA ever went through to bust people on this website.. i hope they got you. piece of shit..
I have an education in physics and mathematics, with the degrees to prove it, and I don't deal drugs. So I will talk about the president.
He is a goddamned liar.
He is a slave for the bankers.
He is an actor.
He doesn't care about you.

The president isn't trying to help anyone, except for the global elite.

I hope the DEA doesn't bust anyone here. The DEA is fighting a stupid war that can never be won. And good people are getting their lives ruined because of it. Also, DEA agents lose their lives because of this BS war on drugs. Good men die on both sides of this war, along with little old ladies who get heart attacks and die from being raided by SWAT teams that have the wrong house.

Drug use is NOT the reason why this country is in bad shape. Are you blaming the economic trouble on drugs? That is retarded. Our system of fractional reserve banking that is ran by the douchebags at the Federal Reserve are the cause of the economic trouble.