Is tap water ok to use on my weed plants if i get the ph to 6.5


Well-Known Member
Hi there,
im new to growing and was just wondering if tap water would be ok to use as i'v just been and got some ph up and ph down from my local garden centre. Also i wanted to know if nitrozyme is a good nute to use as i was given some, if anyone use's this i would be very greatfull to hear your opinion's
thanks :P


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for that, im using the nutes just in my spayer at the mo as my 4 babies are only bout 3" and are 2 weeks old does this sound right lol? Sorry like i say im new to this growing game!!


Well-Known Member
Tap water is all I ever used and it works great. Once you get the hang of it and figure out the ph of your water supply ph down is all you should need because tapwater (at least in this area tends to be high). I use cheap lemon juice and 1 capful brings a gallon of water into the perfect range. Not sure about the nutes in question, never used that brand...but I like a small amount of nutes in the watering application and tend to go light to none with them on the foliar spray.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks, what bout the size of them? My babies only have the first 2 leaves at the moment and there a couple of weeks. I need a better light i think! Lol im using 2 2ft reptile tubes just till i get a proper grow light is this ok???


Well-Known Member
Ok sound, i was just giving it them in the sprayer but ill stop and wait
what bout the lights???
your best rule with light proximity is the hand test. put your hand where the top of your plant will be, if you can hold it there without overheating your fine, if its too hot for comfort move the light further.

that help?

EDIT: just read what your using for light. they will be okay for a couple weeks. 1-3 inches away is a good start but use the hand test to be sure! it all depends on how serious you are what you do next. how serious are you?


Well-Known Member
I am defo getting a grow light just not yet as funds are alittle low at the mo, my plants are only bout 3" is this a normal size for plants of 2wk?? Sorry bout asking so many q's but i gotta start somewhere!!
Thanks for your help!!


Well-Known Member
I am defo getting a grow light just not yet as funds are alittle low at the mo, my plants are only bout 3" is this a normal size for plants of 2wk?? Sorry bout asking so many q's but i gotta start somewhere!!
Thanks for your help!!
you should definetly start with a lot of reading. all the basic questions have been answered a thousand times. ill help, but im not going to spoonfeed it to you.

first of all i have to ask, your not growing in your parents house are you?


Well-Known Member
a CFL will cost about $10 and is way better than what you have.
I also only use tap water but I add a little dolimite lime to my soil - it balances the PH out
I will 2nd the notion that its 2 early for nutes.what soil are you using? does it have nutes already in it?


Well-Known Member
Lol! Im not growing in my parents house i have my own, and im not asking you to spoonfeed it me i was just asking a few q's thats all, iv done loads of reading up but as its my first time growing i wanted to be sure. We are all here for the same reason, to grow weed!!!!
The soil is off a friend which he has mixed and uses for his cheese plants which are just flowering, not sure what mix tho!


Well-Known Member
sorry, i had to get that out of the way. find out from your friend if his soil is pre-nuted, its pretty important to find out. are you thinking HID or CFL? what kind of space do you have?


Well-Known Member
to be honest i think its just potting soil, he say's he knows what he's doing but i think he's just winging it!
im using a 3' reptile viv and i turned it on its end so its 3' high and about 18"square floor space, i wanted to go with the HID but the cfl is far more suited to me at this time. im gona go buy them in the morning!! listen i am greatful of the help you are giving me


Well-Known Member
to be honest i think its just potting soil, he say's he knows what he's doing but i think he's just winging it!
im using a 3' reptile viv and i turned it on its end so its 3' high and about 18"square floor space, i wanted to go with the HID but the cfl is far more suited to me at this time. im gona go buy them in the morning!! listen i am greatful of the help you are giving me
if thats going to be your space then i too think cfl's are going to be your best bet as far as keeping temps in check. maybe a 70/150/250w hps/mh would work if you air-cooled it but i have little experience with the lower wattage HID lights.

tell me, how are you testing/adjusting you Ph? do you know yoru temps/humidity? and how about ventilation to the area?

and your welcome.


Well-Known Member
I use a PUR water filter on my tap and pre pour my water jugs two days before I use them to let the excess chemicals evaporate. I then use ph down to ph my water just before I use it. Works perfect every time and my grow journal is a testament to that.


Well-Known Member
I use a PUR water filter on my tap and pre pour my water jugs two days before I use them to let the excess chemicals evaporate. I then use ph down to ph my water just before I use it. Works perfect every time and my grow journal is a testament to that.
have you ever checked the ppm of your water before and after the filtering? i have a fridge filter and my ppms actually went UP after i filtered them.


Well-Known Member
I am testing my ph with a little kit i got from the garden centre, the temp is a steady 72c and the humidity is around 50% but it goes to 70% when spraying. I use a bottle of ph up and down to correct the ph and as for ventilation im using a 12v pc fan which is running only while the lights are on! I just been and got 3 cfl's and im now going to put them in the grow space and take out the reptiglo tubes. I have taken the seedlings out of the space and put them in the window just till i have set up the cfl's is this going to affect my babies???


Well-Known Member
will having them on the sill for a bit effect them? no, not at all. theres probably just as much light at your sill as those reptile lights are putting out. ive seen entire grows on windowsills....sad, weak harvest; but it works.

i am neither a soil or a cfl grower. Roseman is a member who can help you with cfl's and MyGirls should be able to give you direction with soil.