"19th" birthday!

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
i cant wait im buying a lb of white widow ,a new bong and a shit load of booze! any other ideas for a crazy party
its gonna be in the woods about 10 miles from the nearest town! camping trip a week long party! my birthday is sept 2


Well-Known Member
19 is kinda a shitty birthday.. but it looks like you're going to make the best out of it !

congrats brother


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be 18, no wait that's a typo in the other thread, I meant 19.


We should all say goodbye to him now before ffd gets online again.

Bye bye...


Well-Known Member
It's going to be hard claiming it was a typo when you typed the same number a few times and the truth is so obvious.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
but 8&9 are right next to each other
Seriously, people have common sense. You think the mods won't realize what you did? You probly have until the next time one logs on and see's this thread and goes looking for the other one of posted your real age in....

Their right next to each other but people arn't dumb enough to think you hit it multiple times in the post as well as in the title of your thread...