Seven weeks to grow, ten seconds to kill

Well, it was a nice run for my first grow, but it's come to an abrupt end. Bought some insecticide today to use on a rather minor spider mite problem (picked it up while getting other supplies), going on the advice of the guy in the garden store that the stuff would kill the insects and be safe for people, pets, etc.

Too bad the idiot gave me a bottle of all-purpose insect killer that is not intended for botanical use, as I've just discovered.

My plant quickly withered where it had received the spray and is now completely dead. Two months of risking my ass and tending carefully, all down the drain.

At least it was bagseed. May she rest in peace.

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I'll be going back to that store tomorrow to give them a piece of my mind. This guy does not deserve his job. If you don't know, just say you don't know.


Well-Known Member
Damn. That really blows. Id be pretty upset with him too. Definitely shouldnt have told you it would do something, when he really had no idea what the product would do.
Damn. That really blows. Id be pretty upset with him too. Definitely shouldnt have told you it would do something, when he really had no idea what the product would do.
For sure. On the bright side, I've learned a lot from this grow, and the genetics were far from special. I think this is really an outdoor strain and it probably needed to veg for another month or two to reach its potential.

The next setup I've planned out is sick...SOG for sure. One 6' cabinet for the mother plant and two 3' ones stacked beside it for veg and flower. Integrated electrical so that the whole thing only has one plug coming out the back. Shared ventilation as well. I'll post a diagram when I get a chance, since it's already on paper.

I was concerned about investing much before because it seemed like a high-risk venture, but in reality you're wasting your time if you go cheap on everything -unless- it's your first grow. That being said, I'll only be using CFLs regardless. It's just not worth it with the fire hazard.