p.h down


Active Member
my friend is new to hydro and he having a problem with keeping the p.h down

he having to put p.h down in his tank every day will this do the plant damage


Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I have to add PH down in my ebb&flow setup every day or every other day, depending on my mood. I let it drift around a little but not get to high or two low.

The PH needing to be lowered is pretty normal unless you getting a very large spike.

It moving up is not always an indication of a problem and having to make adjustments every other day or daily doesn't seem to be bothering the plants.

The volume of water also reflects changes different. A small tank will swing a lot while a larger volume tank will swing more slowly.

Illegal Smile

Adjustments are fine but they should not be of more than .5 at a time. And don't adjust pH directly in the res. Drain a hlaf gallon or so, pH test it, then add the pH down calculated for the whole res to move it .5 and add that water back in. Less of a shock than straight pH down going in.


Well-Known Member
If the ph drifts a little it's fine start at 5.8 and let it go all the way up to 6.3-6.5 before you add ph down.Your ph shouldnt drift too drastically as long as you keep your res topped off with the same amount of water as when you mixed your batch and change your res every 1-2 weeks depending how big your res is.I lower my ph every 3-4 days

Illegal Smile

If the ph drifts a little it's fine start at 5.8 and let it go all the way up to 6.3-6.5 before you add ph down.Your ph shouldnt drift too drastically as long as you keep your res topped off with the same amount of water as when you mixed your batch and change your res every 1-2 weeks depending how big your res is.I lower my ph every 3-4 days
Good point. I let mine drift from as low as 5.2 to as high as 6.8 IF IF IF the plants look ok. Adjustments are best avoided, better to let the plants adjust on their own if they will and if not then you play rescue.


Well-Known Member
ITs good for the pH to fluctuatate. The harsher you are on the plant without damaging it the stronger it becomes.

People forget that rain is quite volatile and can be very acidic. Even long time established garden fluctuate every year.

What kind of water are you starting with ?
We started with city water. But found out that it is naturally basic. Had to add pH down from the get-go. Not to mention the relative salts and CHLORINE.

If you want you can jar some water and take it to your local swimming pool store and they will test the water sample for free!! IT will tell you how much salts/chlorine is in there(so they can sell you shit for your pool or a new pool). I would also take 2 samples. One hot water and one cold water, from the tap you plan to feed from. Then average the 2 numbers. Hot water picks up more salts as it flows down the pipes.

We switched to distilled water, its only 90 cents a gallon and pure with a PERFECTLY neutral pH. I am only blooming in a 10 gal ebb so i can rationalize 20$ a month for water.
If you are doing volume, stick to city, buy a ppm meter and a shit ton of ph down cause you will absolutely need both. Also, let the water bubble with an air pump or the water pump for a day to dechlorinate it. The chlorine is a gas trapped in the water and eventually escapes after pulled from the faucet but takes time.

Peace out yo