High humitity


Well-Known Member
70 degrees lights off w 100% humitity and 80 degrees w lights on with 70 % humitity, #1 is this bad, #2 how to drop this?


Well-Known Member
FUCK. guess its a learning curve, was wondering why i was getting fully mature with way less trics than during the winter grow... its so damn humid in my garage, and hard to get temps right consistantly. summer highs of 90 and winters as low as -20 below...lol


Active Member
whats best way to maintain correct humidity levels
im very new to this but this site is so helpful thanks everyone
70 degrees lights off w 100% humitity and 80 degrees w lights on with 70 % humitity, #1 is this bad, #2 how to drop this?
Not bad temps, could do with dropping this by 2-3 both lights on and off.
Dehumidifier needed asap my friend otherwise you will get mold and your bud may not come!
50- 60% humidity is best - try to drop as low as poss for the final 2 weeks of veg also so they create more resin as a result.
If you get as low as 30% you are on the ball.


Its very difficult to maintain a humidity level unless you go wild and get humidity machine with a thermo with all the filters and the exhausts, dont forget the ducting hanging everywhere like vines in the jungle. But my method of increasing humidity the cheap way is to boil a kettle in the growroom works like a treat. But i just have a carbon filter and a de-humidifier to keep my levels down having a good ocillating fan is clearly helpful.