What are your HIGH skills?


Well-Known Member
I have recently realized that I am a badass at the pool table when i'm high. I'm pretty good when sober, but waaaay better when i'm not. Makes me concentrate like no other :weed:

What are you good at when you're stoned?
im better at art and animation- makes me think more, i usually come up with my ideas after smoking a joint and lying in bed, my mind races
definitely video games!!! Also i am a drywaller by trade and my hanging is way better if i have smoke on my breaks. Kind of funny but this applies to about 95% of all the drywallers i know.
i think he was talking about sleeping lolz. sawing logs?

im pretty good at listening to music when im stoned. like, im the best br0
lol huh, i've never heard of that before. Learn something new everyday, eh

im good at analyzing when im high haha.

and wrestling, i can block out everything and just concentrate.. although sometimes my reaction time is too slow if im too stoned haha.
Anything physical, I like to go for long runs when I'm super baked. About to go for one now just gotta finish this hash bowl . . .
im good at analyzing when im high haha.

and wrestling, i can block out everything and just concentrate.. although sometimes my reaction time is too slow if im too stoned haha.

yeah man, to this day i have only lost 1 time in hundreds of wrestling matches. some official, some not so official. whats your weight?
Anything physical, I like to go for long runs when I'm super baked. About to go for one now just gotta finish this hash bowl . . .

it gives me a boost to do knuckle push ups in sets of 3 and jam music in between. bicep curls, more pushups. wish i had a bench press at my house, but it wouldnt fit anywhere haha. gyms kill my buzz :-/
i'm better at munching on food definitely. But also yeah, I seem to have a bigger lung capacity when i'm baked cause running doesn't affect me at all, and i smoke cigs too. Also any math or dynamics I can figure out. Odd really.
well im 5'8'' and 148-156 depending on my mood:fire::fire::fire:

im a beast at my weightclass. you probably are in yours. as far as wrestling goes... ill give you a run for your money:-o
well im 5'8'' and 148-156 depending on my mood:fire::fire::fire:

im a beast at my weightclass. you probably are in yours. as far as wrestling goes... ill give you a run for your money:-o

ooooh, you boys gonna wrestle? *pops some popcorn*

As for my high skills, I can't remember what they are when I'm sober, so I'll have to get back to you on that one *loads a bowl*
im better at hacking ( im comeing for u >;D )
to bad i dont hav any......
u seem to be safe....
for now!

sad days..... :(
I'm able to imagine reality better? differently when I meditate, if that makes any sense? I can see what is like a super fine vibration of what seems like a string of Time itself, I think, what I believe has plucked this string is the energy of the evolution of our universe. It's funny because on each of the vibrated strings is the same exact reality, yet slightly different, its a kind of 'almost' redundancy sort of situation....its weird

I also have some noted improved ability on the keyboard.