What are my plants doing? *pics*


Active Member
well folks, I just checked on them the lil white hairs are poppin everywhere!!! the "bud" things are starting to develop crystals and fine white hairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE SEASON IS APON US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
:confused:Hey everybody I have posted on here a million times about this grow, im sure most of the vet's hate my ass by now, but here I am again, these have been in the ground since 5/11... the first two pics are from the only two plants that look like this, the last two are from the other 8(at least they all look like that), Im just not sure what the fuck these are doing...I am getting all kinds of different answers so Im posting both "looks"..please knowing growers help me out....

thats new growths or secondary nodes, also it might be turning hermie, and whats the light schedule or w.e could be a answer for ya


Well-Known Member
hate to tell you this i have seen that many of times guys ITS A HEMP STRAIN!! i live were weed was grown for the army in WWII its all over the place out here. thats what hemp looks like when it has not been seeded out!! have had it happen to me and it sucks!! yes you will get bud off of it!! bet its got a minty or a pine smell!! whats it smell like when you smash a bud a bit? yes you will get some weed off of it but the buds will be stringy!! FEED THE FUCK OUT OF IT!~! AND one trick you can do is cut the light hours down on it by throwing a blanket or black bags over it every night a hour before the sun goes down. reason i am telling you to do this is because it takes an EXTRA EXTRA long time before you get any thick buds!! im talking 12 to 14 weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
hate to tell you this i have seen that many of times guys ITS A HEMP STRAIN!! i live were weed was grown for the army in WWII its all over the place out here. thats what hemp looks like when it has not been seeded out!! have had it happen to me and it sucks!! yes you will get bud off of it!! bet its got a minty or a pine smell!! whats it smell like when you smash a bud a bit? yes you will get some weed off of it but the buds will be stringy!! FEED THE FUCK OUT OF IT!~! AND one trick you can do is cut the light hours down on it by throwing a blanket or black bags over it every night a hour before the sun goes down. reason i am telling you to do this is because it takes an EXTRA EXTRA long time before you get any thick buds!! im talking 12 to 14 weeks of flowering.
You live where they were growing weed for the army in WW2 and it grows wild everywhere......


Well-Known Member
yep all over the place bro.thy cant get rid of it too much of it!! down every dich line in the fields ALL OVER THE PLACE!!


Well-Known Member
cover one branch up so no light gets in and leave it for three days use something like a black cloth bag so it can get air and not mold bet it has male sacks on it in three days!! best to find out now that way you can cut it out so your others can get more light if it is a male!!


Well-Known Member
cover one branch up so no light gets in and leave it for three days use something like a black cloth bag so it can get air and not mold bet it has male sacks on it in three days!! best to find out now that way you can cut it out so your others can get more light if it is a male!!

Sorry bro.....

But you have done nothing but confuse the shit out of me......:clap::weed:


Well-Known Member
parts of the U.S weed was grown for rope,tent,bags and other shit for the army thy did not do too good of a job cleaning it up !! just to prove it i will hit some fields this year and post pictures of it its crazy!! 1000s and 1000s of plants all over the place!! i have seen plants over 14 feet tall in the fields out here!! and it SUCKS no high at all you might find a good one here and there IF you dont get busted picking it!! yes thy do watch it thy will camp out in a hole in the ground in a big patch after you get done picking it thy will snag your ass up!!


Well-Known Member
if you cover a branch up and cut the light off it will speed up its flowering time and make it show its sex early.


Well-Known Member
his plant is a female like I said in the beginning.... she is stacking up getting ready to flower....... and I am still just as confused about whatever the hell your going on about.... but don't worry, its prolly just me...... I haven't smoked a bowl all afternoon..... yet ;)


Well-Known Member
just because it has hairs lol dont mean its going to be a fem. bet its a Hermie. as i said cover up a branch and speed up the flowering time its very simple to understand. hemp grows like this thats what i am saying. looks just like a fem but turns male in the end LOL you will see. just keep watching this thread and see what happens in the end. that IS a hemp plant!!


Well-Known Member
ok..... and the stacking is a sign of it being a Hemp plant? Marijuana period is a hemp plant.... so is dog baine for that matter....... on what are you basing your claim that it is a hemp plant? do you live near this person or something? Where did the seed come from..... and if its a clone....... why the hell would some one clone a "hemp plant"?


Active Member
The seed came from a medical grower in southeast oregon(15 yr grower)... he has grown it for the people he is a caretake for before with no problem, just indoors, the og clone from two years ago was outdoor though so he knew it would be ok... he has no idea about outdoor growing but he thinks there female and said to check here also.. so sorry man those people in oregon with aids and cancer arent buyin this shit for army grade rope...thanks loaded...the rest of you all are trippin..so check back next week for more pics..... thanks folks