Sexual Discoveries

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
over the years i have stumbled upon things I wish I would have "known"

please share your helpful tips.

1. Squating excercises add great benifit to sexual activity, especialy in positons that are "standing sex". Having a regular front squat practice is EXTREMELY BENIFICIAL and rewarding If you dont have a dumbell, you can use 2.5 gallon water containers to get you started.. simply hold them by your side... LEAN BACK on your heals and do 20 squats... for is key!!!! work your way up to 100 squate in a row.. 3 times a week!!!

2. jerking off in socks is an easy no mess method

3. bending your favorite woman or women over the bed can greatly be enhanced by wrapping a towel or blanket around their waiste. Hold onto this towel as if you are riding a horse and insert penis from the rear... (your hole of choice) the towel or blanket can provide unparreled support with ONES hammering action.

please add to this list
hmm well im lazy so i like to pull her to the edge of the bed while im standin on the floor at the edge of the bed and lift her legs up and pummel away,

i gotta try the towel method

i also like to let her lay on her side push one knee up to her chest and let the other leg be staight between my legs then stick it in side ways, it hurts her though when i do that for some reason so I dont get to do it much, but its great cuz your nuts slide back and forth on her straightned out leg while you hittiin it sidways:mrgreen:


Kinda like this but with him strattling her lower leg
I do 'iron egg' training for my Gongfu. I've been doing it for about 3 years now, and noticed that my stamina and size have grown quite significantly. I can last from sunset to sunrise if need be, and I'm asian, so I needed the extra length. Now, it sounds really crazy, but monks have been doing it for over 1000 years. This is an easy way - get a gallon jug, tie a rope to it, and to - just your penis for lengthening, and both your penis and scrotum for stamina (and, after a long time, if you get kicked in the nuts, it doesn't hurt.) fill the jug until you can barely handle the weight anymore, hang it and swing it for a half an hour to an hour a day. Fill the jug more and more every day as well, until it is full, then, when you've been doing the jug long enough, switch to other heavy objects. This may sound really crazy, but I can now lift over 70lbs with just my junk, no lie.
I do 'iron egg' training for my Gongfu. I've been doing it for about 3 years now, and noticed that my stamina and size have grown quite significantly. I can last from sunset to sunrise if need be, and I'm asian, so I needed the extra length. Now, it sounds really crazy, but monks have been doing it for over 1000 years. This is an easy way - get a gallon jug, tie a rope to it, and to - just your penis for lengthening, and both your penis and scrotum for stamina (and, after a long time, if you get kicked in the nuts, it doesn't hurt.) fill the jug until you can barely handle the weight anymore, hang it and swing it for a half an hour to an hour a day. Fill the jug more and more every day as well, until it is full, then, when you've been doing the jug long enough, switch to other heavy objects. This may sound really crazy, but I can now lift over 70lbs with just my junk, no lie.

bro... i am goig to need some proof.. or conformation.. or a note from your mom or something.. this is a bit out there.. even for me to believe...
drinking a cup of water before you go to bed.. ensures a pretty darn SIZEABLE WOODY for the morning... and it usually has a lot of stamnia and seems hard as CONCRETE!!

and NOW you KNOWM
It's a part of iron body training in kung fu.

so, when your mom signed you up for kung fu in the 5th grade... the teacher began to impliment KAK tugging in the first 2-4 weeks?

c'mon.... please tell me you are joking.. right :confused::confused:

i am confused....

i know some poepl poke holes in their kak (NUT BALLS)

i guess dangling water jugs is kinda in the same ball park....
the only thing im letting hang from my ramrod is pretty women!!!!but,to each his own,what if something rips(ouch)?
no joke, and not since 5th grade, since 9th grade, heh. and we weren't even allowed to start iron body until we'd done external kung fu for a year