HELP.. fungicide bomb damage! what to do?

my ladies had some powdery mildew so i used a fungicide bomb... turns out it is for a 3000 square foot room...

my ladies are all damaged.. curling some have burns.... disfigured... they look like they could pull through but I am really worried

what do people think?


Well-Known Member
Give it some SUPERTHRIVE i love the shit and it help with all types of stress. (DONT USE WHEN FLOWERING THOUGH). A flush propbably wouldn't go a miss to get rid of all the shite in the medium. And a better pair of glasses for reading the instructions. Thats my amature view.


Well-Known Member
Ya might try spraying the f outta it with a hose to remove as much of the product as possible from the actual vegetation. I'd carefully do this outside, then set the dripping plant in the tub to drip dry (to minimize outdoor exposure to insects)

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
my ladies had some powdery mildew so i used a fungicide bomb... turns out it is for a 3000 square foot room...

my ladies are all damaged.. curling some have burns.... disfigured... they look like they could pull through but I am really worried

what do people think?
Fungicide bomb? :fire:

most fungicides are not suitable for consumption. I wouldn't smoke it.
it has no flowers yet... itll b fine to smoke... ya ill spray the shit out of them tonight... i got some calmag and superthrive they r getting better


Well-Known Member
Have you figured out the original issue? Why they got mold in the first place? You need to get that fixed otherwise it will come back. Trust me I know from experience. Mold can be devastating if not fixed. Sounds like your indoors so may be just an issue of not enough ventilation... Good luck man.