Red Diesel - Closer

Got a few Red Diesel about ready to chop. These clones have been a joy to grow with very little problems. It's my first hydro grow, and I'm kinda proud. My plan is to take them starting on day 68, finishing on about day 75. As pictured these clones have been flowering 62 days. Enjoy...PDC:weed:



damnnnn dude congrats yur shit is lookin right!!!

it looks lyk its gonna be sum good smoke!!

let me kno how it burns!:weed:
Thanks guys! I took a 3 g sample at 56d and another 3g (appx) at 62d flowering. The 56d sample dried, and tasted surprisingly good for lacking a proper cure. Buzz was very heady, euphoric, moderate body stone, and more than adequate pain relief. Trichs were 1/2 cloudy 1/2 clear with a smattering of amber at day 56; about half the pistils are brown. Although the taste is a little green wihout a proper cure, you can't ignore the fruity (can't pick either grapefruit, or other citrus) taste and smell. My camera sucks, but trust me when I say the frost on these buds destroys my best work with snow white.

I've got plenty more pics, but I'm waiting til they are good and done to post a nice grow show of my first hydro attempt. I did flower the mom in soil alongside her clones in hydro. Hydro buds vs soil is LOL funny. Maybe I'm a shitty soil grower, but I don't see myself using it for too much other than walking on and maintaining moms in the future. I have small space constraints, and these clones were grown in 3" net pots and will likely yield about 1+ oz / clone. I have a hard time pulling 2 - 3 oz of the same plant in a 12" pot of soil (with more veg of course). I can't wait to compare the quality, but the soil grown mom is probably going 75-77 days. The hydro is coming down at 68 days.

At 62d, I don't have a smoke report (not dry); but the trichs are nearly all cloudy with about 15% clear, 15% amber and much more swollen (both bigger trichs and bigger buds). Pisitls are 80% brown, and fans leaves are fast yellowing out. I anticipate 100% brown pistils that have been swallowed by the swelling calyxes by harvest time.

I wouldn't (can't wife won't let me) grow this strain again unless I had a much better setup. This is for one reason: Smell!!! These plants smell more in veg than some white strains smell in full flower. My room is not sealed all the time (small space, apartment, etc.). My buddy I got these femmed seeds from asked me the other day how they smelled. I texted back, "I don't need to check the clock to see when my lights are going on and off, they let me know by their smell. It smells really nice and fruity fresh....from down the street. If you touch it, plan on smelling like you fucked a grapefruit that came on you. If you rub it, or spend plenty of time in the room plan on smelling like the grapefruit you just fucked laid a massive turd on your chest that has some curious undertones of fuel." Wifey is none too happy about smelling dank in her purse at work when her purse is never closer than 60 feet from said operation. I run two carbon scrubbers by the way.

Chop chop with chronicals of red diesel. Hopefully be on the lookout for a thread titled, ONE seed, ONE 600W HPS, ONE growing cycle, ONE pound (fingers crossed). Peace...PDC


Well-Known Member
If you touch it, plan on smelling like you fucked a grapefruit that came on you. If you rub it, or spend plenty of time in the room plan on smelling like the grapefruit you just fucked laid a massive turd on your chest that has some curious undertones of fuel."
lol thats great!!!!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
I am very impressed by barneys farm 2.
I did a side by side comparison of barneys blue cheese vs. Big buddhas BC and the barns grew faster, better, skunkier, tastier. Enjoy da smoke
Looks great what did you use for nutes? If you don't mind
As I mentioned it was my first time growing hydro, and I wanted it simple and easy with as little guesswork as possible. For the most part I used Lucas Formula with GH Flora Series. If you are unfamililar with it, google will reveal. It was relatively simple to maintain acceptable ppm, and very stable pH, no crud in the res, my roots are still white; by far the easiest most carefree grow to date for me.
Jeez, you talk about funky! I'm faded like old denim from a single bowl, but my house reeks. The wife is not a happy camper. She has 6 different kinds of glade, fabreez, oust, fuckin candles lit like we're trying to talk to the dead...

Whew, had to vent. She knows the deal, they are ready when they are ready. I went ahead and cut the res's ppm way back today. I'll drop it quite a bit more over the weekend. I dropped Gravity on my soil mom about a week ago to help finish her. I could take the hydro now (after a brief flush), but I'm waiting. I can take the heat for another few days:fire:

I really just wanted to vent a bit and post some more recent pics:weed:. Hopefully you can begin to see the pistils getting swallowed into the calyxes as they swell (insert pornographic thought here). I threw in a shot of my closet (11 clones in hydro, and 1 multiheaded supercropped mom in soil). Not a big area, but I tried to make the most of it while learning something new.

Thanks for checking it out...PDC


Brick Top

New Member
Don’t you think it would be better to harvest by trichome color instead of by number of flowering days?

The number of days from flower to harvest are rough estimates that can and will vary depending on each individual setup, lighting, conditions, care, etc. and really are not to be considered to be accurate prime harvest times.
Don’t you think it would be better to harvest by trichome color instead of by number of flowering days?

The number of days from flower to harvest are rough estimates that can and will vary depending on each individual setup, lighting, conditions, care, etc. and really are not to be considered to be accurate prime harvest times.
I'm no expert (1 grow w/ CFLs, 5 harvest w/ HPS). However, I harvest when the plant tells me it's ready. I read this over and over again, and it really didn't click until my third harvest. I've seen amber trichs on plants that flowered for 5 weeks, and I knew needed 10 weeks to mature. Just because you've got a certain %amber, such and such cloudy, clear etc does not mean your plant is ready.

I first checked the trichs on these at 7 weeks. The short small headed glands were probably 10% amber, 40% cloudy, and 50% clear. I checked today and they are more numerous, much more capitate (big heads) and roughly 15% amber, 60% cloudy, and 35% clear. Not a whole lot of difference in the color of the trichs. BIG difference in what the buds look like! I don't preset a day to harvest, but I do have to plan on it as it impacts the day to day around the house. Listening to the plants tell you when it's ready is the best way to tell if they are ready.

Hell I chopped my first grow probably 2 weeks early because the fuckin trichs were amber as can be. I look back at those pictures and laugh. I would have had 6 ounces instead of 4 on my first grow if I had just ignored the trichs and watched the plant. I think I saw an amber trich on the bud (puffballs) below. Should I chop it?:bigjoint:


Brick Top

New Member
I'm no expert (1 grow w/ CFLs, 5 harvest w/ HPS). However, I harvest when the plant tells me it's ready. I read this over and over again, and it really didn't click until my third harvest. I've seen amber trichs on plants that flowered for 5 weeks, and I knew needed 10 weeks to mature. Just because you've got a certain %amber, such and such cloudy, clear etc does not mean your plant is ready.

Really? I have only been growing since 1972 or 1973 and I hold a differing belief to yours. Clear trichomes = not mature plants, cloudy/milky trichomes = mature plants with more of a head high, amber trichomes = mature plants with more of a couch-lock stone, brown trichomes = compost.
But what does roughly 37 years of experience actually mean anyway? Not much I guess if your six grows has taught you something completely different, that given timeframes are more accurate ways of assessing when plants are ready to harvest than trichome color.


Trichomes are small appendages that look like hairs. They are produced by marijuana, and other plants. Female marijuana plants produce certain trichomes that are a rich source of THC. These trichomes can be found in their largest concentration on the buds. They start out clear, turn a milky color, then turn amber (light brown).

The trichomes in picture 1 are clear. After the plant has flowered for a few weeks, the trichomes start to turn a milky color (picture 2). After a few more weeks, they will be totally milky in color. In the later stages of flowering, trichomes will turn to a light brown color (picture 3). The amount of time required to get to this point depends on the marijuana strain and the growing conditions.

In picture 2 you can see the stems have started to turn from a clear color to a milky translucent color. For maximum THC content and a more cerebral and energetic high, harvest your plants when a majority of the trichomes on the plants in your garden are a fully milky translucent color.

You can wait until most of the trichomes have started to turn amber, but the resulting marijuana will produce more of a sleepy body stone than it would if plants were harvested earlier. The trichome in picture 3 is about 90% amber, with just a trace of the milky translucent color it previously possessed.

After the trichome is fully amber in color, the THC starts to degrade. This makes it very important to harvest marijuana at the time before a majority of the trichomes have attained a total amber color. If not, the marijuana will not be as potent as it could have been.




New Member
Really? I have only been growing since 1972 or 1973 and I hold a differing belief to yours. Clear trichomes = not mature plants, cloudy/milky trichomes = mature plants with more of a head high, amber trichomes = mature plants with more of a couch-lock stone, brown trichomes = compost.
But what does roughly 37 years of experience actually mean anyway? Not much I guess if your six grows has taught you something completely different, that given timeframes are more accurate ways of assessing when plants are ready to harvest than trichome color.


Trichomes are small appendages that look like hairs. They are produced by marijuana, and other plants. Female marijuana plants produce certain trichomes that are a rich source of THC. These trichomes can be found in their largest concentration on the buds. They start out clear, turn a milky color, then turn amber (light brown).

The trichomes in picture 1 are clear. After the plant has flowered for a few weeks, the trichomes start to turn a milky color (picture 2). After a few more weeks, they will be totally milky in color. In the later stages of flowering, trichomes will turn to a light brown color (picture 3). The amount of time required to get to this point depends on the marijuana strain and the growing conditions.

In picture 2 you can see the stems have started to turn from a clear color to a milky translucent color. For maximum THC content and a more cerebral and energetic high, harvest your plants when a majority of the trichomes on the plants in your garden are a fully milky translucent color.

You can wait until most of the trichomes have started to turn amber, but the resulting marijuana will produce more of a sleepy body stone than it would if plants were harvested earlier. The trichome in picture 3 is about 90% amber, with just a trace of the milky translucent color it previously possessed.

After the trichome is fully amber in color, the THC starts to degrade. This makes it very important to harvest marijuana at the time before a majority of the trichomes have attained a total amber color. If not, the marijuana will not be as potent as it could have been.

great post...:clap:
Brick top I appreciate your concern for my trichome color. If only I had started a thread asking the right time to harvest, and wondering what a trichome was your post would have been immensely helpful. I have seen those trich pictures well before I ever harvested my first crop. I know you are really just trying to help, but I can find 10 growers with the same experience and get 5 different answers on when to harvest. So disagreement is common.

Now imagine the total noob that has been told his THC is degrading once he sees amber trichs. Do you think he/she has the experience to determine the difference between a mature bud and an immature one? I don't have 30 + experience at anything other than breathing, so I guess your post count and experience trumps me. I only wish I'd started this thread with the purpose of discovering the proper time to harvest based on trich color, and we could have had yet another thread to discuss harvest time and trich color. God knows there aren't enough of those on page 1 of this forum anyway:blsmoke:.

I only listed days flowering and expected harvest time because I have seen others interested in this strain, and thought the information would be helpful. I'm just a small time amatuer hobbiest that enjoys growing his own medicine. There are other handy things in which I qualify as an expert:-o. I choose to harvest my plants when they look ready. I'm guessing the trichs on these plants will be 30 - 40% amber, 50-60% cloudy, and, 10% clear when I harvest give or take. However, this will merely be incidental to harvest not the reason for harvest. My arguement could best be summed up like this: When a plant is ready the trichs will turn amber. However just because you have some amber trichs doesn't mean your plant is ready. I use this to help me out. I only pay attention to trichs once they are ready unless I'm looking for a pedantic exercise (which I am guilty of on occasion).

Again thank you for the information, and thanks to all that stopped by.:weed: