LMAO At all these haters, whats pathetic is all you immature people goin off about how another dude spends his money!! no one has the effin right to do that, second of all, a strain doesn't need to be smoked by a shit load of people and get awards for it too be really really good weed. Third of all everyone judgin his crop half way through and THEN sayin how you have gorwn weed comparable blah blah blah, thats soo bullshit, ive been around weed my entire life and it takes some pretty damn good shit to flower fully in 45 days and half way through too have massive crystal production, you guys are all in jealous deniel and its fuckin hilarious,
keep up the good work Ass knuckles because its some good entertainment. and people who acutely rate this grow the worst they ever seen, need to get their eyes checked, Drz has done a kickass job on these plants and they are going to be amazing, keep it up bro!! these haters dont got a clue,
they still wouldent even shut up after a mod threatend them i mean how stupid can one be?
a 1000 isnt much to pay when your gettin the cream of the crop, there's main stream strains. ancd then theres super strains, its like the diffirence between getting a stock normal corvette or a fuckin SS turbocharged fully loaded corvette, both are nice cars but one has more potential and power to begin with, and yes one costs a hell of alot more.. 10 seeds for 1000 isnt much when you can take 10 fuckin seeds and breed them and make 100's of seeds, so all you haters are just fools and jealous, if you dont got somethin nice too say dont say shit at all.
props too Drz for his feakish perfect grow.