My NorCal Bubba Kush Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
OK, so I have been watching from the sideline enjoying all your lovely ladies so I feel I must share mine as well. Sorry in advance for the not so great quality of the pics, I only had my phone with me. I will post some better pics when they are flowering.

Strain is Bubba Kush, or so I'm told. Got the clones at the beginning of June and they went in the ground on June 15. I'm a little disappointed in the size of the plants. Although I did get a little late of a start, I have seen other strains grow much faster in the same period of time. The plants look healthy; I think it is just the strain. They are bushy though! So much so I have had problems with branches breaking so I have had to stake them up... Overall though I am happy with them, I think they should give a decent yield. Pics have been taken about once a week from when they first went in the ground.

So let me know what you think. I’m curious what everyone thinks the yield will be (per plant). They are about 4’ tall and still growing. They are showing preflowers but no flowers yet.



Well-Known Member
Do you cut the top at all or do they grow that bushy on there own?
No topping, the plants get about 10 hours of direct sunlight every day. In my experience that makes the difference between a stretched out plant and a bushy one.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look great. They are close to as big as the guys in the thread above this. They said they got 6 lbs per plant or more from theirs, so you should get close to that I'd think


Well-Known Member
Good point, forgot about that. They are by far the bushiest plants I've grown. Kinda Hard to see in the pics but they are wider then they are tall with tons of branches going everywhere. I Wish I got them in the ground a month earlier. Oh well, there's always next year!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for your feedback. Hey firelane, not sure what post you are referring too but do you mean 6 oz. per plant or 6lb total? I don't think you mean I will get 6lb per plant, although that would be nice! LOL.