I smoke a quarter every 2-3 days and I can safely say my tolerance is pretty high and that I'm a seasoned pothead haha. All I can say is I promise ull feel high after a few puffs from a joint, u just need to recognize the feeling (some people say they dont get high at all coz they smoke so much but that's bullshit, they're prob permafried and dont recognize what it's like to be high anymore). The more I smoke the longer this feeling stays and the more obvious it is to me, eventually, if I smoke too much, I just end up passing out. I dont get too high anymore, I miss my first highs
I havent tripped in ages. Waking and baking is definitely the best except it ruins the rest of ur day unless u force urself not to feel down and tired (or if u smoke some more haha). Switching what kinds of weed ur smoking (I usually switch it up between jack and skunk altho there so many different other types I could be getting) makes u feel higher from my experience (I could be wrong tho). The skunk gives me a stoned feeling while the jack kinda wakes me up. Makes for a good balance
If you guys have heard of Dokha, it's a mix of tobacco u smoke through a pipe. It's legal (it's tobacco, duh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dokha ), take a hit of that after u smoke a joint (or have it sink in while ur rolling a joint) and ull be feeling gooood. I dont like smoking from a pipe or bong, I like actually chilling with a joint and actually smoking (blunts make me cough and waste too much weed). Being in a good mood and chilling always makes me feel higher. But ya u guys should try dokha if you can get ur hands on some
Hope that helps!
Rofl xD

I find that smoking more seems to get me higher most of the time. Also if my high start to subside a bit I can smoke more and stay high longer. I've studied these methods for many years and there is considerable evidence in favor of these practices.
Rofl xD