Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

I smoke a quarter every 2-3 days and I can safely say my tolerance is pretty high and that I'm a seasoned pothead haha. All I can say is I promise ull feel high after a few puffs from a joint, u just need to recognize the feeling (some people say they dont get high at all coz they smoke so much but that's bullshit, they're prob permafried and dont recognize what it's like to be high anymore). The more I smoke the longer this feeling stays and the more obvious it is to me, eventually, if I smoke too much, I just end up passing out. I dont get too high anymore, I miss my first highs :( I havent tripped in ages. Waking and baking is definitely the best except it ruins the rest of ur day unless u force urself not to feel down and tired (or if u smoke some more haha). Switching what kinds of weed ur smoking (I usually switch it up between jack and skunk altho there so many different other types I could be getting) makes u feel higher from my experience (I could be wrong tho). The skunk gives me a stoned feeling while the jack kinda wakes me up. Makes for a good balance :D If you guys have heard of Dokha, it's a mix of tobacco u smoke through a pipe. It's legal (it's tobacco, duh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dokha ), take a hit of that after u smoke a joint (or have it sink in while ur rolling a joint) and ull be feeling gooood. I dont like smoking from a pipe or bong, I like actually chilling with a joint and actually smoking (blunts make me cough and waste too much weed). Being in a good mood and chilling always makes me feel higher. But ya u guys should try dokha if you can get ur hands on some :D Hope that helps!

I find that smoking more seems to get me higher most of the time. Also if my high start to subside a bit I can smoke more and stay high longer. I've studied these methods for many years and there is considerable evidence in favor of these practices.

Rofl xD
my friend once suggested standing up after hitting, putting ur hands above ur head, then breathing in deeply. it reaaaaly worked for me.
i only smoke a couple times a week so ive only been high 1ce in my life, ive been stoned the other 50 times lol.
as for getting higher just do what i do.
blunts are were its at i always get so fryed when i smoke a blunt

Yeah man thats what I do. I have a few pieces but I always enjoy a honey stained blunt.

my friend once suggested standing up after hitting, putting ur hands above ur head, then breathing in deeply. it reaaaaly worked for me.

Around my part of the woods thats called the rising sun. but we mostly do it with a bong or something.
A bong, or a packed edible are what'll get you the most high, and for the longest duration. Edibles especially, it hits the bloodstream much faster. The time of day is a factor also. If you start smoking in the morning, by the time night comes you're gonna be a monosyllabic, red eyed, human equivelant of a sloth. If you start at night, fatigue will make you wanna fall asleep faster than the bud will, even for us insomniacs out there.
crucafix < cba proper spelling

take a hit hhold it in put your back upto a wall and have somebody push on your chest

passing out is a risk tho
crucafix < cba proper spelling

take a hit hhold it in put your back upto a wall and have somebody push on your chest

passing out is a risk tho

If i wanna get real high, ill take a hit doing a head stand.!. Use a wall if u need help balancing.bongsmilie
Nobody else has tried asthma inhalers? Take a hit of off one of those before or after. Opens up the bronchial tubes and BLAM - wake up in a pizza box.

That fucking awsome! I shit myself I was laughing so hard!!!!

I am also in favor of the smoke more method. The more one smokes the higher one gets, and the longer one smokes the longer one is high.
Ok guys I have a few personal experiences but here are somethings that have kept me higher longer and made the high stronger. Also I realize MAry affects everyone different but for the most part its all the same. Please feel free to add your ideas! :bigjoint:

1. I found that when I smoke anytime before or even after I play basketball with friends or simply jog around I feel at least 3 times higher when I get home and watch tv. I dunno if its the adrenline or what because people say dont talk to cops while high because you will get nervous and your adrenline will kill your hi, but whenever i get my blood pumping faster it seems my high goes up. Also even if I dont smoke that day and work out really hard or run round I will still feel some high at the end. Probably because I smoke everyday and there is still some thc in me.

2. Bong!!! i think this one is obvious, bong rips get you ripped!!bongsmilie

3. and I also found that if your a heavy smoker like me actually quittin for a day or two will help you out. Your next hi will be better and last longer, But do you wanna wait? i never do :lol:

Just a little FYI quick tip for everyone:

Information came from google:
Did you know.. that heavy pot smokers, if they have to suddenly quit for a drug test. May have to wait 1 to even 3! months before all the THC is out of your system. Why so long? Well, its because heavy smokers of pot.. your body tends to store some of the THC you have smoked in fat cells in your body. Everyone has fat cells.. and sometimes THC hides in those cells and could take up to 3 months to completely come out. Just alittle info for ya :)

Just a little FYI quick tip for everyone:

Information came from google:
Did you know.. that heavy pot smokers, if they have to suddenly quit for a drug test. May have to wait 1 to even 3! months before all the THC is out of your system. Why so long? Well, its because heavy smokers of pot.. your body tends to store some of the THC you have smoked in fat cells in your body. Everyone has fat cells.. and sometimes THC hides in those cells and could take up to 3 months to completely come out. Just alittle info for ya :)


Yes i did know it took me 2 and a half months to get it out of my system. and i am a asphalt worker i drink gallons of water a day and sweat it all out.

i took my physical and passed.....they didn't even end up testing me :twisted: so i went straight home and bongsmilie and bongsmilie and :joint: i was so :eyesmoke:.....then a week later got popped with a random drug test i failed lol but my med card is gonna save my job...cross your fingers......back to the thread sorry i cant wait to try the mango trick and the asthma inhaler.....till next time :peace:bongsmilie
Taking the week break is something that definitely works. I went from smoking everyday to the point where I was adapting to being high all the time. I had to go visit some family and had no opportunity to smoke so when I got back I found some medium quality schwag yes schwag from a previous stash and a blunt of that felt like I had got done ripping some Maui Wowie for hours. But its not worth being sober for a week lol
Yes i did know it took me 2 and a half months to get it out of my system. and i am a asphalt worker i drink gallons of water a day and sweat it all out.

i took my physical and passed.....they didn't even end up testing me :twisted: so i went straight home and bongsmilie and bongsmilie and :joint: i was so :eyesmoke:.....then a week later got popped with a random drug test i failed lol but my med card is gonna save my job...cross your fingers......back to the thread sorry i cant wait to try the mango trick and the asthma inhaler.....till next time :peace:bongsmilie

let me know if your med card saves your job often wondered such things but have been to frightened to put it to use seeing the lack of jobs available
for some reason drinking a few cups of water before and then smoking a few blacks afterwards really does it for me... and there is nothing like chronic and a good glass of wine... ooo wee
I'd say a good intense way to smoke minus the waste of herb or hasch would be to toke out of a legit traditional Indian chillum without tobaccoo or the bedis. I swear you really can't make a local Indian chillum smoker or a sadhu/baba cough, IT'S INSANE how much smoke they inhale. The quantity of weed it holds has to be from 2gs to 5gs of ground up bud depending on the size. Of course in the States or Europe it'd be too expensive to toke in these quantities for one sitting haha. Or a giant glass gravbing might do it. But the most intense would have to be to eat it, whether it be hasch or bud. If you eat it your liver converts it in delta 11 hydroxy tetrahydro cannibinol which is more potent then delta 6 THC or whatever the normal THC is, normal as in when you toke and it goes from your lungs to your brain. But that just takes up the whole damn day lmao.:leaf: