

Well-Known Member
i bet he tokes
not cuz hes black but cuz to me he seems like a cool guy
he admitted to coke back in college
who hasnt done it??
he smokes cigs
he grew up poor in chicago
but ur right his advisers would kill em (not hope.)
obama smokes? ive never heard least for cigs. i got a laugh outta "of course i inhaled, that was the point." . but it wouldnt surprise me if our presidents in the past used drugs in office, in fact i'd be surprised if they hadnt.
the u.s. president makes what 450,000 us a year?
obama smokes? ive never heard least for cigs. i got a laugh outta "of course i inhaled, that was the point." . but it wouldnt surprise me if our presidents in the past used drugs in office, in fact i'd be surprised if they hadnt.
the u.s. president makes what 450,000 us a year?
okay im a law major so u shouldnt have gotten me started on this one haha

either george washington or thomas jefferson i forget which grew FIELDS of weed
im not gonna google it
like how they grew tabbaco
the founding fathers of OUR COUNTRY
the geniuses who wrote the Constitution
which has what 20 something amendments ?
for over 300 years
france and other european countries hundreds of years older have had multiple constitutions
...that was a rant sorry..
anywhoo ya he smokes cigs and im sure plenty of pres have blazed up



I grow a little bit just for myself so I have extra smoke cuz I'm still in school and don't have fulltime income

I don't think it will be legalized anytime soon...nor do I think Obama is going to do anything to help us out as far as cannabis


Active Member
obama smokes? ive never heard least for cigs. i got a laugh outta "of course i inhaled, that was the point." . but it wouldnt surprise me if our presidents in the past used drugs in office, in fact i'd be surprised if they hadnt.
the u.s. president makes what 450,000 us a year?
he admitted to smoking pot and even doing cocaine

but i dont wanna talk about politics it just makes me sick how far to their base both parties have become (but esp the republican party) the president makes $400,000 a year

and george washington smoked pot until he was at least 33 or older

interesting mix here in terms of people :P


Well-Known Member
lol, i meant presidents that took office since the mj prohibition actually. ive seen lots of shows about it and actually cannabis was grown by just about everyone back then.....hemp is an amazing fiber for making ropes and clothes and stuff and was almost universally the choice fiber people used for strength. george washinton had like 35 acres of cannabis growing that was constantly tended by like 15 slaves.....thats what the history channel and nat geo have both said at least. i know this isnt politics section fdd but when the original poster posts something about it it should be alright this one last time? either way im done w/the off topic parts.


Well-Known Member
Yeah he smoked, look at my avatar.

30, personal use, Eventually, but it will be through the states first.