Flush Question


Well-Known Member
Hey gang.

Im in the final stages of flowering, and did my first flush last night. I added water until appx 2 inches of water slowly came out the bottom of the pot- is that correct procedure?

Also, how often/many times should I do it? I figure I have appx. a week left until harvest.

Thanks! :peace:


Active Member
do it everytime u think they need watering or if in hydro i assume just water no nutes in the res
till u think done

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Flush with 3 times the pot size or until water comes out clear
I only flush with 3 times the water in cases of improper watering, and over-fertilization. 1 gal to every gal of soil should be more than enough.

If you think you have a week to go you probably have more like 2 weeks. I'd flush with more water next time, but wait until the medium is very before flushing again.