Well-Known Member
Growing, I have gotten used to the heavy, musty, and sweet smell of grass and it has come to help me in several other areas of life. Guys, you know how our balls hang down and press up against our legs? Well, the absolute best thing to do is to make a high five with your hand, press your fingers together, and slide that puppy in between your ballsack and leg like a wooden board between two rocks. Naturally, because we sweat a lot and stuff, some of the best smells accumulate down in the inter-groinal ball sack crease and oh, I tell you, that stuff just smells great! I find myself walking around sometimes and I just shove my hand in my pants and go away sniffing. It reminds me of the musty and lovely smell of wet weed. OMG, this stuff is absolutely great and I love sniffing my moist and pungent hand