Well-Known Member
OK, I'll jump in here on Obama. Dems like gun laws because republicans tend to shot first and ask questions later. See: Iraq war.
True MC, hadn't thought of it that way. Should have too, considering all the debates T & I have had about the Middle East warring. He's not "pro war" per se, but we still certainly don't see eye to eye on it all. I'm more "liberal" and he's more "conservative" (albeit neither of us extremely "far" to either side), and we often agree to disagree before our political conversations get too heated.

As far as LST. Piece of cake. Kat you know how easy it is! First you figure out where you want it to "fall", grab this side and pinch, grab that side and pinch, bend it over and walla shorter plant with more buddage exposed! Takes about a second and a half! Helps to form a more even canopy!
I don't super crop. I tie 'em.