How do I connect this hps and what do I need? Detailed pics!


Well-Known Member
I haven't gotten around to connecting my HPS yet and I'd say it's about freakin' time. Could someone please use my original pic of the ballast and post in which hole (top or bottom, front/back of the ballast) the wires should go into? The following cord in the picture below is 2m long and I only have one, so do I need to split it in order to make a connection from the electricity to the ballast first and than from the ballast to the light? This would mean that there would be about 1m or less from the electricity to the ballast and about 1m or more from the ballast to the light. Thanks a bunch.. What is the yellow/green wire? Also make sure to let me know which wires go to the light. The best thing would be to have someone draw it out in the editing program if they have the time:weed: THANKS!!!!!:clap:I am in EUROPE.



Hi I'm not from Europe but Iam an electrician and have wired European fixtures before I would like to see the bubld socket and the power cord just to make sure you have all the parts because somethings telling me that you don't have the whole kit there.
Also from the picture s I see that there is no accomidation for a ground wire I would suggest you go to an electrical supply house not some megamart like Home Depot or what ever the larger stores are called where your from in my opinion you need a ground lug and thats a very common part and costs a dollar or less here in the states it can be attached to one of the round holes on the body of the ballast then you would connect the yellow /green wires to it from both the power cord and the whip to the bulb socket next you should connect the brown wire going to the bulb socket to the "LR" set screw then connect the blue wire from the bulb socket to the "LA" set screw after that you should connect the brown wire from the power cord to the "F" set screw finally connect the Blue power cord wire to the "N" set screw if your not sure or feel uncertain that you can trust what I'm saying go to the electrical supply house and ask the counter guy to help you or an electricians helper that is hanging around most first or second year apprentice's should be able to do it in a minute or so it's only five connections.
If you do it yourself just make sure you tighten the connections real good and as far as the ground lug goes use an nut and bolt to connect it to the ballast body also make sure it's good and tight the connections on the flat rear of the fixture should not be used for anything as they're hidden that ballast is made to go into a fixture or enclosure so your kind of adapting it to your needs just remeber to keep it away from flamable things don't cover it with anything and make sure it has air space to keep as cool as possible or the heat will shorten its life.
Take care and good luck with your grow.
Oh yeah put on some pants before you go out.....


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow, I will take a better pic where someone can draw the connections in the edit program, because it is very hard to read connections. Much better to see them;) Thanksssss


New Member
Tomorrow, I will take a better pic where someone can draw the connections in the edit program, because it is very hard to read connections. Much better to see them;) Thanksssss
It will work out dude, to many good people on the site for it not to, i was just pissing about with my wee pics hope no offence was taken, just in a strange mood the today.


If your really not that sure of what your doing the best advise I can give you is to take it to a supply house look around in the morning say about 8:30 am and look for an electricians helper talk to him find somebody your own age, try to get a feel for the guy and see if he's a smoker if he is your in he'd probably jump at the chance to hook it up for you.
You might even be able to make a new friend in the process alot of us smoke maybe you can work out a trade he does something for you and you help him with something a little barter can go a long way.
But remeber if you smoke with him do it after you get the light hooked up. hehehe :weed:


Well-Known Member
If your really not that sure of what your doing the best advise I can give you is to take it to a supply house look around in the morning say about 8:30 am and look for an electricians helper talk to him find somebody your own age, try to get a feel for the guy and see if he's a smoker if he is your in he'd probably jump at the chance to hook it up for you.
You might even be able to make a new friend in the process alot of us smoke maybe you can work out a trade he does something for you and you help him with something a little barter can go a long way.
But remeber if you smoke with him do it after you get the light hooked up. hehehe :weed:
Naw, lol... That's too complicated. I mean there's friggin thousands of growers on this site, probably a quarter or more of which are in Europe, so someone has to know or have a similar system. Just wait until I get the pic up:-P


I could sit here and tell you just from looking at the pictures you posted earlier that this ballast is not meant to be used the way you want to use it.
Just by looking at the body of the ballast I can tell it's designed to be installed inside of a finished fixture not installed in free airspace those holes on the frame of the ballast fit into a fixture and the open end ones are secured with a nut and bolt.
Further I can tell you have absolutley no Idea how to install it as the wiring diagram is printed on the ballast and if you can't understand it that all by itself should tell you that your in over your head, do yourself a favor and return it to wherever you got it and get one that is just a plug and play type it'll be alot easier on you and safer.


Well-Known Member
Wtf man, this ballast is fine and made for running a light.. it doesn't matter what it's constructed to be a part of! Besides, the ballast will get better airflow outside of this, theoretical, fixture. But it isn't made for that really. Check out GIB lighting, they have them on their website. It's just some pro ballast with anti vibration spacers or something...


Well-Known Member
I could sit here and tell you just from looking at the pictures you posted earlier that this ballast is not meant to be used the way you want to use it.
Just by looking at the body of the ballast I can tell it's designed to be installed inside of a finished fixture not installed in free airspace those holes on the frame of the ballast fit into a fixture and the open end ones are secured with a nut and bolt.
Whether it was designed to be used inside a fixture or not, it will work just fine in the open, from an operating point of view. It's slightly more risky from a personal safety point of view, with the exposed connections on the wiring block, but i'm sure Shredder has that under control.

My setup is a stripped-down flood light ballast, and it works just as well as it did in the fixture but with much less heat buildup, since it is now mounted in a steel bread bin extracted by a pc fan, rather than the original sealed enclosure.

Good luck wiring it up Shredder. It looks simple enough, but get those pics up and i'm sure one of us will be able to help you out. bongsmilie