preseason football


Well-Known Member
i dont think i could do a dog fight but i would get down with a cockfight anyday but id have to be in mexico with lots of tequilla and of course sensimillia


Well-Known Member
the eag;es are not going anywhere this year, im calling it. remember, CANNABOLIC CALLS IT!!!!! with vick on the team its just gunna fuck up their flow. they are both 1st string QB's what the fuck are they doing on the same team? im gunna tell you exactly who is gunna do good this year, the raiders, the giants, denver, redskins, and surprisingly, the bills. everyone else is going to do their usual or completely suck........well maybe seattle and baltimore will step it it, but thats pretty much it..........


New Member
what r u talking about the bills are looking alot better than they have in years, they might actually make playoffs this year. i'll tell u one thing, im willing to bet that the bills will go farther than the 49ers
That's not saying much. TO is getting older and slower. But he is still just as big a PITA as ever. And trent edwards may be the least talented quarterback he has played with. Should make for an interesting season.

San fran is in a much easier division, they should win more games. In a head to head matchup I'd say the two are pretty evenly matched.

And the raiders will continue to suck as long as al davis continues to make all the decisions.


Active Member
i know im late but we got bragging right!! 49ers are the chit!!!! im likin what im seeing this year!!! still gonna need improvments... so but yeah !!!! to all u raiders!!!! nothin finer than a niner!!!


Well-Known Member
i know im late but we got bragging right!! 49ers are the chit!!!! im likin what im seeing this year!!! still gonna need improvments... so but yeah !!!! to all u raiders!!!! nothin finer than a niner!!!
the niners do need alot of work, the bills are making a come up though. maybe in like 4 years the niners will be on point, but no time soon.


Well-Known Member
I guess you missed the Oakland / Saints game saturday. Not razzzin ya, just a die hard Saints fan:eyesmoke:

well football season is here everyone. any predictions about whats gunny happen?

the raiders are looking pretty nice this year. im watchin them vs. dallas and that 7th round draft pick they got is runnin the ball pretty nicely..............