Can one make an marijuana Arizona iced tea.


Well-Known Member
if you can boil arizona, it can be done.

THC is not wat water soluble, so your gonna want to add a splash of oil or a tab of butter, but it could be done

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Can one make an marijuana Arizona iced tea. How would it be done I need help making it. Thank you

PEACE OUT :peace:
so you want to drink an Arizona Iced Tea and get a MJ buzz? lol

First you have to make hash oil, using alcohol as a solvent, and then use that as a mixer in your tea.


Well-Known Member
midical places sell thc honey. I just got some and its super awsom. pretty cheap too. if you could find some of that, then mix with the tea that would work.


Well-Known Member
midical places sell thc honey. I just got some and its super awsom. pretty cheap too. if you could find some of that, then mix with the tea that would work.
what do you eat with it? does it taste sweet like a bees honey? :peace:


Active Member
I think the best way would be to make canna honey and mix it in. I love me some Arizona green tea, personally.