
Hello! Hope this finds everyone doing well, my story is this; I just planted some seeds, nothing special, not really doing this to make some thing super natural! Left them outside for probably a week now, now i have 3 little plants starting. Two of them took to growing pretty well, one of them especially has gotten fairly tall. But i have never ever tried my hand at growing, ANYTHING! SO, my thing is i have been letting grow O' Natural, and i would like some input on when i should bring them in and separate them and start em on the lights. I really only plan or have room to save one :-/ like i said, this is just for fun to pass the time. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
welcome to rollitup :)

IMO I would bring them inside as soon as possible if they are stretching, mj plants need 16-18 hours of direct light per day to thrive and sunlight isnt always enough for young seedlings. just give them lots of light and water while they are young and they will return the favor, good luck :)


New Member
i wuld use fluros or cfls right now at the seedling stage.. and dont give them any nutes untill there 3-4 weeks old.. especially if ur using miracle grow soil.. they would get nute burn from hell if ya did..

Welcome to RIU btw..happy growing
:) if they are stretching, :)
I know what you mean!! My wife grew some Dill and did some "stretching", but none outa these so far. i did however bring them in last night after i posted this because there was a huge storm going through lawrence, and went ahead and put them under this light my friend left behind when he was growing his blueberry plant. i will try to put up some pix of the little family of plants. they are all chillin' together, should i be concerned about fertilization you guys? i would love for for these to all turn out and be female, but due to money and resources i will only put faith in one of 'em :-) thank you guys alot for the reply!!!! keep the info coming in if anyone has any!!