Plant Not budding


Active Member
Hello This Is My First Post And I'm New To The Site So Go Easy on Me
OK my problem is my plant is at 4 mouths and is still not budding and all my leaves are folding idk what i'm doing wrong can any help me with my problem:?:

also if im not following any rules im srry
Did not read the rules yet



New Member
Hello This Is My First Post And I'm New To The Site So Go Easy on Me
OK my problem is my plant is at 4 mouths and is still not budding and all my leaves are folding idk what i'm doing wrong can any help me with my problem:?:

also if im not following any rules im srry
Did not read the rules yet
have u switched photo periods


Active Member
what type of light are you using?
the plant has to transfer to the flowering stage and that take a lil while and then you have to wate a lil while.
do you have your timer for 12hours on 12 off?


Active Member
im using sun light and no the pics are at the same time jus diff places
this is my first plant so how do i put in a flowering stage
also i for got to add i want to make clones how do i do that
i dnt jus want to cut any part of the plant


Active Member
you have to wate until fall and winter comes and itll do it naturly as the days get shorter it should budd by october or november. and for cloning look it up on google how to clone cuz your gonna need pics and my cam is dead so cant help you there

for cloning dont think its hard you can clone with only water takes a lil longer tho


are they outside or by a window? were in the world are you? if there inside do you take them in a compleately dark spot?


Active Member
you have to wate until fall and winter comes and itll do it naturly as the days get shorter it should budd by october or november. and for cloning look it up on google how to clone cuz your gonna need pics and my cam is dead so cant help you there

for cloning dont think its hard you can clone with only water takes a lil longer tho
i can take pics if you need i jus wanna make sure im cutting the right part


you are interupting there dark cycle so they are remaining in vegative state