Any girls want to meet?


Active Member
Just interested in meeting a female that's into growing pot. I find it a complete turn on! I would love to have a conversation and even be good RIU friends. So if your interested and would like to meet, share pics of plants and self, as well as conversation. Let's talk


Active Member
I guess you could say I'm interested in the female that grows pot mainly because I've noticed most pot growers are male


Active Member
I bet there's a lot to learn from a girl who realy gets into growing . Sorry guys not to put down anyone . Come on let's see what you've got girls ?


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks man. Ecept I'm not a pimp. Just love the idea of a girl growing pot ;-)

Yeah these days it's hard to find a girl that is cool with you smoking. Even harder to find a girl that smokes. And damn near possible to find one that grows. So I feel ya.


Active Member
I know a few females who smoke, and only one who grows. She's an old hippy and grows pretty much just personal use. Still growing some of the same "old school" stuff she grew 25+ years ago from what i was told. We hang out from time to time. Nothing gunna happen there though, nor would i like it to. She's like a mom to me.

I love every aspect of MJ, and finding a special person you can share the love with is a good thing. Best of luck to you.


Active Member
I'm a female grower as well... been growing with soil mediums for 3 years, and just started running hydro this past year.

It's fun to smoke and it pays the bills... more women need to get in on it!