Do any of you guys have a cop in the family?
i have a couple friends who are cops, an uncle who used to be one, and i do respect the genuine servants greatly. but, police brutality is on the rise and i agree with Ron Paul 100% that our domestic problems reflect what we are doing to the world. these cops are going around ready to deal justice to anyone getting out of line because they know how corrupt our courts are, they know the system is flawed and they build frustration, they are afraid of us, regular citizens! this could become a huge post but i'll just say we need to stop teaching them military tactics, this is not Constitutional. we need our military to stop learning police tactics - not their job. the line between military and police should be a few football fields wide.
7X says do away with cops and he'd be OK.
i know this sounds radical. what i'm saying is if you do away with law, all of it, i'm ok with that. not all at once and not in a reckless fashion, but i think that law is itself a burden on society.
with law we take conscientious ownership of people's action from them. that immediately lowers the bar, it instantly "de-inspires" people.
for example, let's look at a red light scenario:
i got up late and am now going to be late for work.
the light has changed to yellow as i approach, in two seconds it will be red, i am 3 seconds from the light.
what happens next?
due to law, almost all of us would say, "stop, you'll get a ticket."
they have taken away the most superior reason - people could get hurt or killed if i don't stop.
i think there is natural law, which needs no enforcement or explanation, and everything else is flawed. everything else confuses people and distracts us from living in a way that is much less superficial.