

heres a question for yi then, probably simple to answer but need to know.
how many plants could i healthily grow under a 250 watt hps in a grow room 3ft by 3ft by 5ft tall?:-(


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me. First you make 2 thread about how much we think your grapape will yield. The you come on asking for all and any questions?

SO my question to is...

How much will a grapape plant yield???????



Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me. First you make 2 thread about how much we think your grapape will yield. The you come on asking for all and any questions?

SO my question to is...

How much will a grapape plant yield???????

hahahah.. funny


Well-Known Member
heres a question for yi then, probably simple to answer but need to know.
how many plants could i healthily grow under a 250 watt hps in a grow room 3ft by 3ft by 5ft tall?:-(
as for u... i said trick question cuz a 250 wont suport a 3x3 area... and the amount of plants would depend on size and technique/ method...


Well-Known Member
this is pretty stupid .... how do we know your not gonna hit the google button to find the awnser?
thats the thing.. even if he didnt and actually knew the answers, whos to say he can aply them... knowedge is one thing but nuffin to experience... sure i can know how to fix a car but have i ever done it???


thats the thing.. even if he didnt and actually knew the answers, whos to say he can aply them... knowedge is one thing but nuffin to experience... sure i can know how to fix a car but have i ever done it???
why wont a 250 watt support a 3ft x 3ft x 5ft area?


Well-Known Member
why wont a 250 watt support a 3ft x 3ft x5 ft area? sorry done wrong quote earlier.
it could but a 3x3 arear should be covered with a 400.... a 250 is more for like a 2x2 or 2.5x2.5... for optimal resaults anyways... i know it seems like a minascule diff but does makes a diiference.. im not saying its not gonna work but...


it could but a 3x3 arear should be covered with a 400.... a 250 is more for like a 2x2 or 2.5x2.5... for optimal resaults anyways... i know it seems like a minascule diff but does makes a diiference.. im not saying its not gonna work but...
thanks for the info i can always make the box a little smaller would that work?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info i can always make the box a little smaller would that work?
sure or dont fill it.. leave space around the oustides say for fans or sumthin... the bigger ur box the less heat rite??? jus keep ur surface area of the plants to like 2.5 squared max.. like i said... 3x3 will work but its not ideal