How to make Colloidal Silver to make Feminized seeds

nope....cept maybe we're not at the pinnacle HA HA, but we'd be nowhere near it without sharing. right on 9coats!

Hey Pink You seem like a fairly bright dude, much the same as meself:) Need some more feedback to my "other" questions, if you wanna share that is? There's only so much we can discuss about CS water!! Two minutes on a CS site and one has more than one could ever want concerning those matters! I did.
Being smart and being evolved aren't the same thing at all.. Small life has niched out the entire planet.. Humans, we're just smart and have opposable thumbs..
nope....cept maybe we're not at the pinnacle HA HA, but we'd be nowhere near it without sharing. right on 9coats!

Hey Pink You seem like a fairly bright dude, much the same as meself:) Need some more feedback to my "other" questions, if you wanna share that is? There's only so much we can discuss about CS water!! Two minutes on a CS site and one has more than one could ever want concerning those matters! I did.
Being smart and being evolved aren't the same thing at all.. Small life has niched out the entire planet.. Humans, we're just smart and have opposable thumbs..

Nothing to do with "being smart" i'm referring to the make up of the human fore brain. It is the most advanced biological system yet evolved on earth. This isn't simply MY OPINION BR, this is well documented by everyone that agrees with Darwinian biology, thus evolution. If you have another opinion, then that is fine. I'd remind you that an "an opinion" is like an asshole in that everyone has one. If you perfer to believe that an insect is more evolved than our frontal cortex, then, so it goes with you.:clap:
I don't disagree with that, just with your tunnel-vision view of evolution.. Something can evolve without gaining any intelligence/skill.. Smarts were really important to our pathway through evolution, but not so much to cock-roaches and bacteria etc..
Our lifespans are just too long to compete in an evolutionary race..
I don't disagree with that, just with your tunnel-vision view of evolution.. Something can evolve without gaining any intelligence/skill.. Smarts were really important to our pathway through evolution, but not so much to cock-roaches and bacteria etc..
Our lifespans are just too long to compete in an evolutionary race..

LOL dude, this isn't "my opinion" nor is the world is round. Opinions, no matter whose they might be, when based in logic are called, "The truth." You are still free to believe whatever it is that you feel makes you comfortable. This will be my last comment concering these matters, lets get back to growing super weed??
Point being, the most highly evolved are those with tons of similar adaptations, not the lucky ones that took the comfy pathway to become human.. Smaller life has filled pretty much every niche on the planet.. IIRC, 1 of 4 species in the animal kingdom is a beetle.. Now thats evolution!
Sorry, I never let somebody manipulate conversations when they don't understand the subject.. Soo many ppl misunderstand evolution..
Now i have a few methods to make my own generator but for the purpose we are discusssing what ppom does the solution need to be? It seems most places say 20ppm is more then enough for curing aiments and humans but to do what we want and make fwem seeds does the ppm need to be higher or lower?
Most abstracts I've read on using ionic silver to induce staminate flowers cite conentrations of 25-50mmol and that works out to a ppm of 500-1000 numerically.. Thats about 2.5-5.0g/L
so a longer exposure to the current would be needed then the reccomended 90 minutes to get to the human safe levels of aroun 20 ppm. Should be interesting as I keep reading at aroun 400 ppm the silver begins to combine and fall to the bottom of the bottom of the container and can not be suspended in the solution due to its weight and the waters silver saturation..will have to play and see what happens
Sorry if i'm steppin on toes, I didnt readd all the posts just first few, but a company I used to own part of sells Colloidial Silver 2% solution in 4oz 8oz 16oz bottles its purified water nano particles of pure silver safe to consume use on ur skin has a million uses but gee i wish i was still sellin it id sell it in bulk at a discount to rollit up subscribers but go to site i could prolly fire up my account but it starts cheap come single bottles or cases maybe $19 US a bottle.

so a longer exposure to the current would be needed then the reccomended 90 minutes to get to the human safe levels of aroun 20 ppm. Should be interesting as I keep reading at aroun 400 ppm the silver begins to combine and fall to the bottom of the bottom of the container and can not be suspended in the solution due to its weight and the waters silver saturation..will have to play and see what happens
To put 5g into solution you'd need to pass about 4500 coulombs through the solution.. Thats 4500Amp*seconds.. That means that you could pass that in 1s if the current was 4500A, or 4500s at 1A, or about 10days at ~5mA..
soooo Im not much on electricity so how long is that using the 12 volt power supply in a one quart jar? lol I ordered a ppm meter made for measuring this stuff...Should break down to like under a dollar a gallon to make it at home versus $20 for few oz
soooo Im not much on electricity so how long is that using the 12 volt power supply in a one quart jar? lol I ordered a ppm meter made for measuring this stuff...Should break down to like under a dollar a gallon to make it at home versus $20 for few oz
Thats kind of impossible to answer.. It depends on the resistance across your electrodes, and through the solution.. Remember distilled water is a POOR conductor..
If you had a multimeter you could measure values like resistance/current.. Without one, estimation via bubble counts would be the only source of info aside from EC..
Expect it to start slowly, at perhaps 1mA and speed up as silver ions increase the conductivity.. If things stayed at 1mA I'd let it go for a month or two, it might go up to 5mA, it might approach 100mA, it depends on things like electrode size, separation distance etc.. Lots of silver surface area on electrodes spaced closely will give you the most current.. It may be better to keep them further separated though as bringing them together essentially increases effective voltage, and too much voltage can cause undesirables in most electrolysis setups..
Keep us updated on the EC/ppm..
Hey Mates ~ Been spraying my Ladies every other day for 6 days now with CS water. I run the CS for 24 hours, the color is light copper in hue. I'll continue for another week spraying every other day. I've read that many plants look poorly after spraying, mine however look great. Hummmm? I really soak them too.
Another question for someone: Say i have a female that is positioned next to a pollinating male, she's getting laid for sure! I'm spraying her too, what can I expect by way of seeds? Will some be fems, while others are regs? In un-chartered waters here.
Is a 14 day run spraying going to do it? The ladies were just beginning to flower when i began. My bad.
hmmm havent heard anyone trying that way of having them close while doing silver sprays should be interesting makes sure to come post a thread on what the seeds are when you got them done.