Nine Coats
Active Member
nope....cept maybe we're not at the pinnacle HA HA, but we'd be nowhere near it without sharing. right on 9coats!
Hey Pink You seem like a fairly bright dude, much the same as meself

nope....cept maybe we're not at the pinnacle HA HA, but we'd be nowhere near it without sharing. right on 9coats!
nope....cept maybe we're not at the pinnacle HA HA, but we'd be nowhere near it without sharing. right on 9coats!
Being smart and being evolved aren't the same thing at all.. Small life has niched out the entire planet.. Humans, we're just smart and have opposable thumbs..
I don't disagree with that, just with your tunnel-vision view of evolution.. Something can evolve without gaining any intelligence/skill.. Smarts were really important to our pathway through evolution, but not so much to cock-roaches and bacteria etc..
Our lifespans are just too long to compete in an evolutionary race..
To put 5g into solution you'd need to pass about 4500 coulombs through the solution.. Thats 4500Amp*seconds.. That means that you could pass that in 1s if the current was 4500A, or 4500s at 1A, or about 10days at a longer exposure to the current would be needed then the reccomended 90 minutes to get to the human safe levels of aroun 20 ppm. Should be interesting as I keep reading at aroun 400 ppm the silver begins to combine and fall to the bottom of the bottom of the container and can not be suspended in the solution due to its weight and the waters silver saturation..will have to play and see what happens
Thats kind of impossible to answer.. It depends on the resistance across your electrodes, and through the solution.. Remember distilled water is a POOR conductor..soooo Im not much on electricity so how long is that using the 12 volt power supply in a one quart jar? lol I ordered a ppm meter made for measuring this stuff...Should break down to like under a dollar a gallon to make it at home versus $20 for few oz