Waterfarm closet grow [first grow] CFL's/250w HPS


Well-Known Member
Damn! That seems a bit harsh to the plant... But hey, i'm sure they CAN go through a lot worse treatment and naturally DO outdoors! This seems kinda like a mix between LST (pain in the ass) and HST (cutting the plant with man made tools?), almost like MST Medium Stress Training(I know there's no such thing! lol)

Do you think it would be good to treat your plants with a neem oil foliage spray such as "Einstein Oil" a couple of days before doing that? All those open sores (even if it is for a few days) are flashing VACANY signs for pests! Am I wrong? Or would that not be a good idea?

Awesome! Thank you!


New Member
Damn! That seems a bit harsh to the plant... But hey, i'm sure they CAN go through a lot worse treatment and naturally DO outdoors!

That guy has a medical MJ license in Amsterdam?? What's the point? Maybe he gets better stuff at a better price or something? But hes growing his shit... hmm

Awesome video though! I'm about to check the next link out. Thank you!

yeah when I watched that for some reason I sincerely doubted them being in amsterdam. I think that is sort of a joke.
Yea the plant has no problems dealing with it.


Well-Known Member
Well, the box is finally done, buddy got a 435 CFM utility fan for $35 to put in it. Currently switched to 12/12 one definite female and im hoping the other plant is a female, but I might just keep that one female after all and completely get rid of the other "mystery plant"... I heard that providing one plant with a sh&*load of light is much better for gaining yields. So do you all agree? Would it benefit to just use all lights for ONLY ONE plant (FEMALE) in this small of a space instead of dividing the light between(so to speak) TWO plants??
Pics coming soon. Very soon.


Well-Known Member
Well, the box is finally done, buddy got a 435 CFM utility fan for $35 to put in it. Currently switched to 12/12 one definite female and im hoping the other plant is a female, but I might just keep that one female after all and completely get rid of the other "mystery plant"... I heard that providing one plant with a sh&*load of light is much better for gaining yields. So do you all agree? Would it benefit to just use all lights for ONLY ONE plant (FEMALE) in this small of a space instead of dividing the light between(so to speak) TWO plants??
Pics coming soon. Very soon.
:clap: ^^^thats some funny shit .. It's been too long, eh?

Ok everyone, it's been a long ass time since i've updated you all, so here it goes......

The plants both came out female. Sexy females, if I might add...

Switched to 12/12 about three days after those LAST pics were taken from the previous posts. Also switched from the Bio Vega to the Bio Flores AND bought some Cannazym, Bio Boost and PK 13-14.... Added the latter into the mix as well.....

Boy, did they love that!

I also added a 65watt 2700k "monster" CFL and 4 40watt 2700k CFL's to the lighting setup.

Its been a little over a month (like 36 days..yea) since the last pics you all saw.... As you all can see, they are going great... (There are a couple of burns from the lights cause of the speedy growth, but nothing to worry 'bout... That isn't happening again I can tell you that much)

It may be a shitload of pics, but it's worth the wait if you have a slow connection...

Some of these pics aren't in chronological order, but if you have half a brain you'll be able to figure it out... All these pics are of growth from 1 week-3 weeks in 12/12.

It starts from latest pics at the top, to the older pics at the bottom.... I copied these IMG links from photobucket and thats the order they're in.... Take way too much effort to put them in the opposite order when all you have to do is wait for all the pics to load, then scroll down to the last picture and start from there, up.

Have fun.

Here's a kinda recent pic to start off with.

These first photos are some macro shots taken with a .50 cent 2x magnifying card from Wal-Mart, I just pressed it up to the lens of my camera and put it in "macro" mode...
These are my faves :D

(there were a couple of dry bud pics of my buddies alst grow. and that fan pic was random too, lulz anyway)

Once you're done fapping away please comment. :-P

I'm so happy... ;-)


I also picked up this book called,
"Marijuana BUDS for Less Grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100"
by SeeMoreBuds

Looks pretty bad-ass so far.... What I like about it is this... Here's a reading off the first page of the book:

"This is a personal grow journal showing the absolute easiest way to grow an amazing plant. All the details have been recorded so that it can be replicated. Just turn the pages, one day at a time.
Peace & Love,

Pick-up this book from your local head shop... It really is worth it if you happen to grow with CFL's.

Once again, I'm so happy i've embarked on this wonderful hobby of growing beautiful buds, thanks for the inspiration everyone ... ;-)


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if there was a way fo changing the title to your thread.....

Well, for obvious reasons I want to let everyone know that this waterfarm grow journal has gone SOIL. When I first started the thread, I was under the impression that (this is kinda embarrasing to say now , lols!!!) I could transplant my soil seedlings into a waterfarm. What a nub, right?!? haha funny shit!

So i've just kept it soil and you know what?? No regrets at all, whatsoever. I actually think it's going to be a while before I experiment with hydroponic growing.... All the pros grow with soil! -Generally speaking...

Perfecting this grow for the next is my main goal here.

Please help me out you all... I love this place. I've read the Jorge Cervantes Medical Marijuana Growers Bible twice.... First time I read it, Didn't know shit. Ive seen videos on growing (which are all kind of a joke to me now).... I've read a couple of other books and skimmed through a couple of forums, but nothing compares to having you all to give your valuable knowledge and input forth for others....


Well-Known Member
Here are some more pics.. They were taken last night right when the lights turned on.

Outside view of box in closet.

^^Another, but sideways, sorry..

Good shots of the pretty much homemade carbon filter and the exhaust fan (which comes with three power outlets built into it!)

^^^Pictures of the plant that I believe is an Indica dominant cross and all the pics below the text, until mentioned otherwise..

^^Pic of the temps after 2 hours of lights with box completely sealed... but also keep in mind that the temperature reading was taken directly above the light fixture vent... as you can see.... but just thought i'd point it out :-P

^^The passive intake vent.

Bottom leaves of indica dominant.

Indica dominant plant..

^^^Pictures of the plant that I believe is a Sativa dominant cross, i'm guessing from the looks of the bud. And the one below this text, as well.

So there they are...

This is how the room looks from the outside at night with the lights ON in the box.
