AK48 day 37 flower pics.


Well-Known Member
OK Day 42 more pics. Figured out the new camera a bit better...color is much better now. Everything is fattening up nicely...lots of heads with 4 main colas. the two close ups are the tops of the two largest colas. Then the third is a good 10% behind and the fourth has decided to chase light a bit (my fault) adjusted the light...but I think it got too heavy to fully chase it back though. :) It is the smallest of the bunch.

Onto the pr0n:

I'm thinking I'm only about 8-10 days away from finished...the buds are not looking hairy at all...they are starting to really look like finished buds. So lucky the plant has some very green fan leaves to feed on as I'm all done with nutes...straight water from here out.



Well-Known Member
Past few days she's getting frosty!

The pic doesn't do justice...trichs are covering every millimeter...

Patience...patience... :)



Active Member
Past few days she's getting frosty!

The pic doesn't do justice...trichs are covering every millimeter...

Patience...patience... :)
Fuck patience man! I hate it! haha, the wait is killing me and I only just started the veg stage.
Not too much longer for you tho man, looking real good too :weed:


Well-Known Member
Fuck patience man! I hate it! haha, the wait is killing me and I only just started the veg stage.
Not too much longer for you tho man, looking real good too :weed:
Thanks...yeah patience blows...but I remember my first grow I absolutely cut too early and I had an ounce of blah weed to show for it. (it was crappy bagseed from some of the worst herb i had all year...so i never expected the world but still...2 more weeks and it would've been "ok")

I think that I'm going to buy a hookah to celebrate this AK48 harvest. Yeah a nice 20" 2 hose dealie...that's the ticket.


Active Member
Wow nice man. Do you have any close up pics with the crystals... How mature are they? How longer you plan to flower.
AK47/48 is my next grow.!


Well-Known Member
Wow nice man. Do you have any close up pics with the crystals... How mature are they? How longer you plan to flower.
AK47/48 is my next grow.!
That last pic was my attempt to show the trichs...but I failed. I was trying to shoot with a gazillion watts of lights inches from the camera...leaning over...that was the best shot out of 4 that i took.

I think that i just finished day 44 of flowering. I topped her to get four colas...I recommend that...I vegged her for 6 weeks.

It's very frosty. I am about 80% cloudy, 10% clear, 10% amber as of today. I think that I'll cut her down on day 52.

Which strain are you growing? AK47 or AK48?...I don't think that they are the same.

I highly recommend AK48. It has been a pleasure to grow.


Active Member
AK48 are cheaper to get but some people are doubting the ak48 compared to the ak47 but i think im gonna give ak48 a try as well as ak47. How is the odor on the plants.. I heard they stink a bit..
Let us how it smokes when harvested.!


looks very nice Anjinsan.

Hopefully your eyes look like this soon <-> . <->

Anxious to hear your final yield and a smoke report as I'm sitting on some 48's myself.

I can hear that chainsaw running from here to cut them babies down. lol

Good luck with your harvest!


Well-Known Member
thanks all...i see people are still looking so I'll tell ya where I am at:

I have started chopping cola tops. I am going to harvest in stages to get maximum yield and quality...but I did dry out a mid bud for a few days to sample.

Nice weed! :) It is a blend of sativa/indica in the high...and even off a mid...non properly dried with no cure...the stone lasts a good hour. I'll give a full on smoke report when I have a bowlful of properly dried/cured bud to base it off of.

It does smell strong in drying. If you are growing it or are going to...fair head's up given. :)

Still do not know total weight...but I'm not going to go too long with getting the upper mids/mids more time. So in 2 weeks maybe it'll all be atleast dried and I can weigh.


Well-Known Member
wow I didnt know you could grow something likethis with energy saving bulbs...beauty! im gana throw a few in with my hps after seeing this


Well-Known Member
Well she is all cut down as of...NOW! :)

Started on day 50...ended on day 56. Could've gone another week easy on the lowers...but I have two ak48 girls behind this one...so feck it. Once they are done...I think that I'll be done for the year.
Anyhoot back to trimming...threw quite a few semi-nugs and popcorn nugs from lower areas into trimmings bag. (My brownies are going to be GREAT!) Everything else is either drying or starting to cure.

Will weigh this weekend when everything has had a good amount of time to drop water weight. I'd guess it's a canning jar's worth of bud in volume. (You know the ones your Grandma canned tomatoes in...metal screw on top, glass jar)

Now I need a better way to trim...seriously I'm all ears people. I am using large fabric scissors for branch stuff and small curved blade nail trimming scissors for buds. P.I.T.A!


Well-Known Member
Alright the talley is in: For the colas and heads/mids 42.6g. (hair over 1.5 ounces) all the lowers and trim are being used for 2 trays of bachelor party brownies.

Tested quite a bit this week as parts dried :)...it's very good smoke. Lasts and is a good mix of body stone and head...leans a bit to the head side imo as I found myself wanting to get stuff
done when there was nothing to do.


Active Member
Nice harvest. Did you weight when it was wet? Just wanted a idea how much you lost compare to wet/dry.
Looks dank post some pics of harvested buds!


Well-Known Member
Nice harvest. Did you weight when it was wet? Just wanted a idea how much you lost compare to wet/dry.
Looks dank post some pics of harvested buds!

Didn't weight wet. You lose like 3/4 of your weight wet vs dry I've read.

Everything I weighed was dried and ready for cure or starting to lightly cure.

I will post pics today.


Well-Known Member
As promised: here is a decent pic of the entire bounty from one AK48. Have 2 sticks worth of cannabutter and 42.6 g of mids to heads herb. (the lighter green smaller buds on top haven't started cure yet...will today)



Well-Known Member
I'd like to reveal my expenditures:


$50 cfl bulbs
$20 2 tube 5' fluorescent unit
$9 no frills potting soil from nursery.
$3 molasses (unsulphured)
$25 Nirvana AK48 seeds
$15 random cords n sockets.
$3 worth of 15-30-15 nutes (mg) (I already had this from a loooong time ago)



Well-Known Member
good frikkin goin man ,1 and a half oz.of ak48 bud for 125.oo .f@ck dealers and theyre overpriced sh!t.grow your own people...nice fat nugs dude on that note im lightin up