AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member
Katie please tell me you have a meter to test your nute solution. Congrats by the way on getting started. VV

lol. no. i rule!

what are thoughts on using RO water as opposed to Distilled... distilled is expensive for some reason. fucking water...


Well-Known Member
yes go with that, if its showing good growth you can bump it up to half a teaspoon per gal. Your going with the recirculating system.


Well-Known Member
i use ro water. Must have a drain available to use it, for every gallon of ro you have 4 gallons of waste water. Connects to a hose fitting and output for both waste and ro is 1/4" line. I bought some air distribution valves at Meijers in the pet department and ran seperate lines to each reservoir so all I have to due is turn it on to put water in the res.


Well-Known Member
i use tap water that has been sitting there for atleast 24 hrs, it cost least then a penny per gal and its also rich in the secondary nutrients that plant requires.


Well-Known Member
i use tap water that has been sitting there for atleast 24 hrs, it cost least then a penny per gal and its also rich in the secondary nutrients that plant requires.
i wouldn't say the plant requires the extra crap in tap water. It usually consists of chlorine(which evaporates when you let it stand for 24 hrs), calcium, various dissolved metals and other crap.


Well-Known Member
i use ro water. Must have a drain available to use it, for every gallon of ro you have 4 gallons of waste water. Connects to a hose fitting and output for both waste and ro is 1/4" line. I bought some air distribution valves at Meijers in the pet department and ran seperate lines to each reservoir so all I have to due is turn it on to put water in the res.
wait what are you talking about. oh, creating it?

i just meant store bought


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't say the plant requires the extra crap in tap water. It usually consists of chlorine(which evaporates when you let it stand for 24 hrs), calcium, various dissolved metals and other crap.
Chlorine, yeah, course a big no no, but plants do need calcium and magnesium and other dissolved solids that RO water does not have. You could always just use a hard-water Micro nutrient that deals with the situation as long as your ppm isn't above like 300 or something.....
And an RO machine is expensive,
and water is expensive,
and nutrients you have to add to RO water are expensive,
and your time is expensive,


Well-Known Member
Chlorine, yeah, course a big no no, but plants do need calcium and magnesium and other dissolved solids that RO water does not have. You could always just use a hard-water Micro nutrient that deals with the situation as long as your ppm isn't above like 300 or something.....
And an RO machine is expensive,
and water is expensive,
and nutrients you have to add to RO water are expensive,
and your time is expensive,
an RO machine is expensive. i've considered buying one many times but was never willing to cough up the cash for one.

i pay about a $1.20 per gallon for RO water, which is pretty cheap.

nutes are expensive. my nutes (and i would imagine all nutes) have magnesium and calcium. But this way you have better control as to how much mag and cal and other crap is in the reservoir water.

in any case to each their own.

asiankate, these are mostly personal preferences. if you decide to use tap water, it'll work just fine(remember to let it stand 24hrs to let the chlorine evaporate). I buy RO water because it's cheap and readily available.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
an RO machine is expensive. i've considered buying one many times but was never willing to cough up the cash for one.

i pay about a $1.20 per gallon for RO water, which is pretty cheap.

nutes are expensive. my nutes (and i would imagine all nutes) have magnesium and calcium. But this way you have better control as to how much mag and cal and other crap is in the reservoir water.

in any case to each their own.

asiankate, these are mostly personal preferences. if you decide to use tap water, it'll work just fine(remember to let it stand 24hrs to let the chlorine evaporate). I buy RO water because it's cheap and readily available.:mrgreen:
yeah i might just start using RO and pH balance it. because, i dont know, distilled is uber expensive.


Well-Known Member

So, first off our "survivor" is doing really well. We got some nice root action (as you can see)

The new leaves are doing well, and theres another small set coming out of those. sweet.

And here's what our new babies look like. they're coming along really well.

So yeah, good news all around, probably going to do a water change in the next few days, but so far so good.

aparently i need to get some stuff for preventing root rot. as this happened to another fellow using a similar set up to mine.


Well-Known Member
katie you'll only get root rot if you don't aerate the water enough, just be sure that you give the water enough air bubbles for the roots.


Well-Known Member
Define expensive. I paid $220 for a system that will give me 85 gallon of ro water even in the winter in MIchigan. I don't pay for water or sewer. Could have bought a ph meter (blue lab truncheon) for $150 and made sure I let water sit for a day before using. Carry buckets etc. I suppose I do have a few more reasons than some folks do. VV


Well-Known Member
Define expensive. I paid $220 for a system that will give me 85 gallon of ro water even in the winter in MIchigan. I don't pay for water or sewer. Could have bought a ph meter (blue lab truncheon) for $150 and made sure I let water sit for a day before using. Carry buckets etc. I suppose I do have a few more reasons than some folks do. VV
that's a good point. If i had more use for the RO filter system, then i would definitely buy one but as it is, i only need RO water for my set up and an aquarium.


Well-Known Member
Define expensive. I paid $220 for a system that will give me 85 gallon of ro water even in the winter in MIchigan. I don't pay for water or sewer. Could have bought a ph meter (blue lab truncheon) for $150 and made sure I let water sit for a day before using. Carry buckets etc. I suppose I do have a few more reasons than some folks do. VV
Yeah, i just. right now. am so poor it's not even funny. and need to save all the money i can. got ripped off on amazon, so now am having to pay a 900 dollar bill for.. well.. nothing. RO systems are great. but i know a trick, that makes it cheaper. you can buy RO water at most tropical fish stores for about 15 cents a gallon. You just gotta bring in the jugs. I used to work @ a tropical fish store so have a ton of 5g jugs, lent them to a friend to use for her tank, so im gonna try and go pick those up.

word up though, check out at local fish stores for those of you using RO without a system, it will save you quite a bit of money, and save the earth from so many plastic jugs ^_-

note though, that the RO you buy @ the store has add-ins for taste, where as the kind you would buy at the tropical fish store wouldnt. so it wouldn't be very tasty, but to the plants and fish... another story


Well-Known Member
I call it now! This thread will have the most views in the grow journal catagory!

Looking good......just grow them faster.


Well-Known Member
I call it now! This thread will have the most views in the grow journal catagory!

Looking good......just grow them faster.
haha. i know! hurry plants go go go.

OH guess what?! gyp advised me to plant my "dud" seed and see what happens i was going to take it out tomorrow because it wasn't doing anything. well i was looking tonight and I SEE SPROUTAGE! wewt wewt.

fuck does this mean veg stage even longer waiting for her ass to catch up. man, that survivor for the original grow is gonna be HUGE waiting for these slow pokes to catch up.. watch it be a male >_<


Well-Known Member
I noticed a lot of people talking about distilled water in this thread and the fact that its expensive,well i dunno if you guys know or not but its basically tap water thats been boiled and the steam is collected.
Make it yourself by buying a big saucepan with a lid fill it with kettle boiled water.

Get yourself some siphon tubing and drill a hole very slightly to small for the tubing,jam the tubing in and seal with a little bit of bathroom silicon.
Now when you boil the pan on the stove all the steam will go up the tube and you just let it drip into a bottle or container that you use.

Once the waters reached the boil again you only have to have the cooker on a very low setting to keep the water bubbling up steam.

Obviously this would be no good for big grows but if your only growing 3 or 4 plants and your having to buy bottled from the store then it might save you some cash:blsmoke:

For big grows i heard they use kettle elements in containers of rainwater.