I Once.

I once pissed in a half drank yellow gatorade in the middle of the night and left it on a table. The next day, I topped off the bottle with green gatorade to make it look normal. I then put the lid back on and left it until my friend came in and called dibs on it, at which point I said, "Oh damn, I was thinkin about drinkin that but you called it so its all you, man," and then watched him CHUG (it was right after his football practice so he was thirsty) half of the 32 ounce bottle. After he pulled it from his lips, I proceded to laugh histerically. I stopped laughing after I told him why I was laughing and he began chasing me with a BB gun.
I once got punched in the face by this one "red head viking girl" at a huge house party (40+ people), me and my roomates threw.. shit she was huge and i was fuckin wasted.... apparently i just turned to my buddy steven.. smiled with blood in my teeth and said "hahaha u see this dumb bitch?".. he smiled back... then outta nowhere people started thowin punches, i got smoked in the back of the head from 4 different dudes all at once... knocked down and people started kicking me... it all happened soo quick... my Bros started tossin people off me and kickin some shit.. by that time everyone was fighting... i got up knocked out some kid that had a wrench.. and proceeded to clear a path to my door.. seen some kid bookin it outta my place ,so i chased after him.. thru some back yards and a block later i lost him.. outta nowhere sum1 was yellin at me to get on the ground, hands behind my head.. my heart almost fuckin stopped.. it was the god damn cops.. they arrested me.. i was sittin therre tryin to explain that theres a massive fight going on as we speak.. and he said " shut the fuck up" so i started laughing at him
like hysterically laughing.. guy took my head and bumped it off the car.. and tossed me into the car.. sat in a holding cell for like 4 hours.. they finally released me, i got home as quick as i could to find that the house has been trashed.. glass broken everywhere, blood everywhere..doors broken off hinges, holes in the walls.. then i see my buddy, starts tellin me what happened when i had got arrested.. apparently some kid was bottelin all my friends, 2 of my buddys got 10 stapels each in the back of their heads, some chick pulled out a bat and beaned my buddy jessie in the back of the head a couple times.. but my other friend clayton seen this shit goin down so he went and knocked that bitch out.. highlight of the night lol.. i diddnt sleep for 36 hours cleanin up shit and tryin to find out who did all this shit.. one crazy fuckin night about a month ago :joint::joint::joint::joint:
I once was gonna fool around on a GF but couldn't get it up no matter how hard I tried due to guilt:(.....true story. I didn't get any that day, and the chic was hot!:cry: Oh well,.....:joint:
I once had that happen to a guy !!! a co worker...am I really telling this...but I thought what a fuckin toole......lmao
i once drank two week old unrefrigerated shroom tea,and spent the next 4 or 5 hours randomly losing conciousness and collapsing,
worst trip i ever had!