Active Member
Hey! I'm a guy from the middle east who loves the bud just like you. Now, as you all perfectly well know, if you seek peace of mind and soul then MJ would be a good way to achieve it. I mean how many people do you know become violent or do angry stuff when they're high, unless they had a share of alcohol of course, answer=0. It's not the nationality or the ethnicity or the color of his hair or skin that determines who he really is, it's what's in his soul and how he was brought up. I mean, we all live under one sky and breathe one air but it's all that propaganda that each government submits to its people that determine most of their points of views on other nationailities. This is what they want us to believe in order to achieve their own goals. Do you guys really believe there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? do you guys really think that an imaginary oussama bin laden organized such a smooth operation with the twins? Come on!!! you guys are stoners and your brain works much better than those that live on booze and fast food. Tell me what you think!?