Active Member
Yeah, very good points there. I agree it's largely a generational thing.. I think many in the up and coming generations either are okay with weed, or don't know a lot about it, which is perfect. That way, the people who know about it can kinda shed some light on what's really up, and things will look up for us all. Definitely the push to keep it demonized is fronted by companies that are making billions off of fundamentally harmful products that would simply be out-competed by cannabis products. Pharmaceuticals, fuel companies, tobacco and alcohol companies.. they'd all take huge financial hits if weed got big(ger), so we're having harmful substances crammed down our ignorant throats by corporate autocrats out to turn a buck at the expense of truth and reason. Not to mention our health. Pharmaceuticals, alcohol and tobacco fuck up more people in the US than any other socially accepted domestic factors, second maybe to automobiles, though I'll be interested to check the statistics. Some system we're running, huh?