DubB83's SoG Log


Well-Known Member
Hey Bro...

Nice to see you around ( I assume this is Greg...:eyesmoke: )...

May I suggest a peek at Al B Fuct's threads...

I vote ebb flow as the #1 lazy stoner friendly system...

Perfect for SOG... of any size.. 3 plants to 300...








Well-Known Member
Hi, nice to see a member not attacking me for using my late friends account. Look at my welcome back thread... https://www.rollitup.org/introduce-yourself/229251-gangagreg420-back-moment.html

Silly huh? I am using his grow equipment and following his path and I should not be using his account is what I hear. From my point of view identity theft seems like a smart idea here since nothing will go back to who I am but to a dead man.

I'll look into that, may be around the same cost as aeroponic. I already have two new aero cloners I made so I'm not sure how the clones would go from having no medium to something that would work in ebb & flow. Got any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Here are the photos, some are a bit old.

I'll have a photo up of the new genetics soon, we had a nutrient problem in our soil so most of the plants look like garbage, also there are upclose photos of some hermi action.




It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how to post an anonymous video? The Dub's garden will be disassembled today for the move. I wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate the help you have given me to help others in our area. Dub was placed on life support on the 21st, just before the break-thru MPP made in our state. He had a living will, his wife made the decision to remove the life support on the 25th. Today I will be finishing off the last of the system and wanted to upload a video to show how close it came to being finished. We could not find a way to finish it, we tried, but a hard schedule is a hard schedule.

I may not be posting on here again just because I feel that I should read more than post and I'm uncomfortable with sharing information online.

If you could direct me to how to post a video I would be glad to post it in DubB's memory.

RIP DubB, we will miss you and we are happy for you because there is no more pain where your at.
I totally missed this..... I had unsubscribed before you posted it because I didn't think you would be back. My prayers are with him and his wife. Carrying on in his name is more of a tribute rather than a theft. Good luck in carrying on your friends dream.....5


Well-Known Member
Nice Bro...:razz:

I thought I'd mention...

I think I see a male flower on this pic... are they getting hot?

You do see a male flower there, that plant has already been hashed. I was trying new genetics and with nutrient burn (my fault with soil selection) I had a few hermis here and there. This one was a Super Hermi, it was popping out male bananas in bunches. Basically I started with 20 beans, 50% were male off the bat and 50% of the females were hermis so I was left with 5 plants to flower and only one is impressive. I'm on the fence between going aeroponic or ebb & flow and I am also considering bubbleponics. The main reason I want to do aero is because it is what Dub was dreaming about. A SOG stadium aero... But I'm a bit stumped on how to actually DO it... ha ha ha, man I wish Dub was here.

The temps stay around 80* during the day and 70* at night. I'll post up a current photo today, we finally cleared all hermi genetics to single out new mother selection. I destroyed nearly all of Dub's genetics when I moved his system and have been digging through his seed library to try new plants.

I'll post up the one I'm most excited about later today, maybe after I have had my morning coffee.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I totally missed this..... I had unsubscribed before you posted it because I didn't think you would be back. My prayers are with him and his wife. Carrying on in his name is more of a tribute rather than a theft. Good luck in carrying on your friends dream.....5
Thank you, I agree! His widow and children are doing fine as well as most of the people Dub was growing for. I'm not sure if he mentioned it but this is a medical grow, although our state does not recognize it as so. I'm not a medical user though, just a recreational user that supports stopping the porhibition. Dub grew (and now I grow) for 3 others that are dying of cancer. I'm not a pro like Dub and I cannot look at my plants and just know what they want like he could either. I appreciate your help and Gypsy's help very much as well as the others that benifit from your guidance. I am doing my best to hold up to the promise I made Dub.



Well-Known Member
Greg... I highly recommend you "get a PROVEN recipe" and follow it...

I followed Al B. Fuct and I am soooo happy I did...

Ebb/Flow does not have the growth rate of aero... I give you that..

But NOTHING beats ebb flow for simplicity and reliability...

That is my vote by far... can't even see the second place....:lol:



Well-Known Member
I am not so sure about Dub's recipe. I am not much of an organic farmer, but I am willing to learn. I had used General Hydro 3 part mix for years and had good results. Unfortunately I am going to keep trying the organic as it is what the patients request, and hell there is already tons of nutrient here to use thanks to Dub so I might as well get the experience in and learn something. Dub always wanted me to do organic and use compost and the whole nine yards in the past but I was too lasy. Here are some pictures to show current progress of genetic selection...

The winner of the mother contest, but I lost the mother plant the other day due to root fungus.:sad:

Yum! There are more pictures in the attachments...

This is a top view of a plant that had bad soil (I accidentally got a bag with time release nutes in it) and it caused a nute burn and when transplanted back into good soil they recovered well and made respectable buds, it is still growing though.

This is some of Dub's genetics for comparison. I kept a few of his seeds around to try from time to time. The plant doesn't produce well but has a great stone.

There are more thumbnails attached. I gotta go do some things, talk to you later.




Well-Known Member
Greg... I highly recommend you "get a PROVEN recipe" and follow it...

I followed Al B. Fuct and I am soooo happy I did...

Ebb/Flow does not have the growth rate of aero... I give you that..

But NOTHING beats ebb flow for simplicity and reliability...

That is my vote by far... can't even see the second place....:lol:

I wish I had the room for 4 separate flood tables. Lately I have been looking into having multiple flowering areas as a possibility. I need a good way to have 3 separate systems in the tent, each system for a month of growth then comes the problems of only one light for 3 systems. I may need to cool tube 2x 600W lights to evenly cover the area and not take up too much space in the grow. There is no way I could put two hoods in there at the same time.


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Why do you want 3 seperate systems? I don't know if you have checked the link in my sig at the bottem of my posts but you should read through the first couple pages on how mine is set up. I start them on one side of my room and move them to the right every 2 weeks. By the time they get to the right wall they are ready for harvest in 2 weeks just before the next batch is ready to go in..... I use 2x400w HPS and will be using 100w of UV lights over the plants in the last 4 weeks. I have to figure the best way to hang the UV light by Sept 2 when my first tray gets to it's 4 week mark.


Well-Known Member
Why do you want 3 seperate systems? I don't know if you have checked the link in my sig at the bottem of my posts but you should read through the first couple pages on how mine is set up. I start them on one side of my room and move them to the right every 2 weeks. By the time they get to the right wall they are ready for harvest in 2 weeks just before the next batch is ready to go in..... I use 2x400w HPS and will be using 100w of UV lights over the plants in the last 4 weeks. I have to figure the best way to hang the UV light by Sept 2 when my first tray gets to it's 4 week mark.
I want three systems to completely control the nutes during each month of flowering. I want to tinker with mixtures and experiment to try and create larger buds. I also want to be able to flush the plants without affecting the nutrient schedule of the other systems. So do you run the same nutes for all plants alike? If I can get away with that then I could get away with one system. What about plant height and stretching? I figure with 3 systems I can fine tune the height of the system while leaving the light stationary giving me a stadium type affect keeping all the plants in the lights sweet spot.:leaf:

I'm going to check your thread now.



Well-Known Member
I lost all of the mother plants from last round because I did not monitor their reservoir very closely, I'm germinating more beans as I type, they will be going in the ground tomorrow. I'm going to compare Rapid Rooters to Coco coir on this launch, I always had the best results with Rapid Rooters in the past. I am never going to use Rockwool ever again!

I'll have pictures up later of my wicking seedling tray and my updated cloner and new home for my mothers. I'm just too lazy to do it just this minute.

Next time around I'll follow Dub's advice and flower the clones of the mother plants rather than take a clone and hope it survives and flower the whole damn thing.


Well-Known Member
whats up greg,

1st off, im sorry for your guys loss and i hope his family is doing well.

I remember Dub wanting to run a modified version of the stinkbud aero setup. Im not sure if u have all the equipment or not, but if u want to continue in the way dub was heading go to www.stinkbuddies.com , everyone here is running this same system, and will be more than willing to help you get this off the ground. Good Luck Bro.



Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I thought you said you wanted to go soil. My system is for soil not hydro.
I have been tossing around the idea of going hempy bucket and use the buckets I already have for it. I don't know, there is still a bunch to figure out. It is late, enough lurking for me for the day, good night all.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
whats up greg,

1st off, im sorry for your guys loss and i hope his family is doing well.

I remember Dub wanting to run a modified version of the stinkbud aero setup. Im not sure if u have all the equipment or not, but if u want to continue in the way dub was heading go to www.stinkbuddies.com , everyone here is running this same system, and will be more than willing to help you get this off the ground. Good Luck Bro.

I have been tossing around the idea of running a stadium stinkbud system as well as others that are not as complex. I still have all of the parts of the old system but they are well damaged and will not be put back in service any time soon. Thanks for the condolences and best wishes and for stopping in.:leaf:
