Ban Fast Food, Legalize Marijuana


Active Member
I mean, come on!!!! so many diseases rise up from obesity and all they want to do is ban marijuana that has shown itself to be of benefit to mankind in the treatment of many diseases. As a munchie, once monthly, a Big mac can come in handy once every 100 years, but I get inspired by cooking up something from the soul when i'm high:peace:


Active Member
But that's what they expect you to do in the fast food industry! I lost 30 kgs last year by just realizing that I prefer food prepared for or by me from the heart and + I was always high and didn't wanna lose my buzz,hehe....


Active Member
Aw come on people! After movies like supersize it and others, do you still think fast food is the solution to your bodies' nutrition???I mean look at ho we take care of our seedlings and plants with such care and attention and go crazy when one of the leaves turn yellow, do you think your body doesn't wither if you don't feed it right? Let's share some quick recipes to some wholesome food, here's one for starters.
Bolognese pasta:
ingredients -
Grated parmesan cheese
Pasta - put it in boiling water that has salt and some olive oil during the period of time mentioned on the box (don't overboil or it'll become mushy and will not be absorbed properly, adding sume chunks to your love handles), rinse it with cold water and put it aside
Meat - get a pound (or more if there's more of you) of minced fat free meat at the supermarket
Bolognese sauce - buy a powdered bolognese sauce at the supermarket, unless you wanna prepare it yourself which will take more time.
Put some olive or corn oil in the pan (just so that the surface is slightly shiny), throw the meat in and half-fry it a bit, add the powdered sauce into the pan as indicated and a glass of water and start stirring.
When it's done, just pour it over the pasta, put some grated cheese on it and bon appetit!
Time of preparation - 10 minutes max, just enough time to get hungry after you rolled it and smoked it! Peace!
If anyone has any recipes, please share it with us


Well-Known Member
hey you cant take away my taco bell and burger king! a skinny person like me needs all of the calories he can get. trans fat has been made illegal where i live. alot of stuff like donuts and fries taste like shit without trans fat. i think if people chose to eat it it should be allowed. if its bad for your health, and as an adult you know the risks, then you have every right to put whatever the hell you want in your mouth


Active Member
hey you cant take away my taco bell and burger king! a skinny person like me needs all of the calories he can get. trans fat has been made illegal where i live. alot of stuff like donuts and fries taste like shit without trans fat. i think if people chose to eat it it should be allowed. if its bad for your health, and as an adult you know the risks, then you have every right to put whatever the hell you want in your mouth
Believe me you can a great taco and even a greater burger king at home. You can also get all the calories you need from healthier food. My wild guess, since you mentioned that you're skinny, that your hands and feet become really cold in winter time. That means that your peripheral blood circulation is decreased due to your arteries being as skinny as you are and that you're liable to get a higher risk of cardiovascular problems in the future unless you stop or at least decrease the intake of fast food which has more carbohydrates and unbalanced fat composition, that will slowly make it worse for you. Oh! I forgot to mention I'm a doctor:) but :weed:


Well-Known Member
it sounded like doctor talk, lol. noi i eat alot of food thats reasonably healthy, but no matter how much i eat i do not gain a pound. my feet used to get cold in the winter a few years ago, but since im on the eat anything and evrything diet, that hasnt happened


Active Member
it sounded like doctor talk, lol. noi i eat alot of food thats reasonably healthy, but no matter how much i eat i do not gain a pound. my feet used to get cold in the winter a few years ago, but since im on the eat anything and evrything diet, that hasnt happened
Couldn't find your age on your profile but I'm guessing you're somewhere between twenties and thirties. That type of diet will keep you going untill you hit 40 and then it's downhill from there. The only thing that's keeping you going well is MJ because it enhances the blood circulation also (my own hypothesis). You're just keeping your engine (stomach) working all the time and that's what's giving you the heat. But consider it like a car's engine, it can work on diesel for a long time and then it'll break. Especially in your case, gastric disorders might become an issue if you continue on fast food. Excuse the persistence, it's a professional thing:)


Well-Known Member
im not insulted or anything, you can make your diagnosis's(odd to pluralize this word...) about me if you want

ya ill be 21 in two weeks, so good guess on my age. ive been told my metabolism will fail me at 30-40, im not worried, i cant wait actually. chubby people take for granted how comfy a fat ass can be to sit on and im tired of being skinny


Active Member
im not insulted or anything, you can make your diagnosis's(odd to pluralize this word...) about me if you want

ya ill be 21 in two weeks, so good guess on my age. ive been told my metabolism will fail me at 30-40, im not worried, i cant wait actually. chubby people take for granted how comfy a fat ass can be to sit on and im tired of being skinny
Didn't aim to insult you but to guide a brother as I always tend to do. Believe me, these chubbyguys would give all their love handles to be you! being overweight is not an advantage, they have so many issues (diabetes, obesity, heart failure, liver problems, joint problems and etc.) so you're kinda lucky that you're skinny bro. had to go on a 6 months diet to lose all that fat I gained while i was a kid and still control my food intake daily. You perfectly know well how a plant loves it to be just right when it comes to nutes. Too much or too little can be fatal!


Active Member

fast food is more addictive then marijuana also
Kinda almost missed that quote on marijuana being addictive. Have to disapprove there. Marijuana is not addictive in any way. If you have it, you smoke it but if you don't you won't kill for it or suck d--k for it, that's what so nice about it. I remember last year, didn't have a toke for 6 months because i couldn't get my hands on it