Well-Known Member
BLAcky looks like he/she found Lunch!!
BLAcky looks like he/she found Lunch!!
he grows everything else huge so why not kitties.
yes the nylabone. it keeps my pooch occupied for hours.My female @ 6 months.
I have the same problem with my rott. I bought a kong and it is still here from like 2 years ago. Seriously if you wanna pay $16 for a toy that is the one. Everything else is gone in the same day.Indeed....until she shreds it up. I have some toys coming designed specifically for PitBulls. She's gone thru 3 of those Nylabones already.
You missed the whole point! I'm not surprized...if my neighbor ever gets on here, im goin next door and smokin a peace blunt
If they're already on the site, what are they gonna care about weed? But i highly doubt they are lol
You missed the whole point! I'm not surprized...
What if it's just someone that doesn't like you and now knows you grow?
So your legal. Then you might want to becarful of home invasions. You might get a half dozen masked men with guns show up to rob you blind and rape your ass, and your wifes ass while your kids watch. In that case you would be wishing it was just the cops...Thats okay i'll just show them my growing paper and tell them to fuck off!! LOL
LOL thats funny!!So your legal. Then you might want to becarful of home invasions. You might get a half dozen masked men with guns show up to rob you blind and rape your ass, and your wifes ass while your kids watch. In that case you would be wishing it was just the cops...