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Not a right By : TheBrutalTruth (2009-08-20 15:06:07)
There is much propaganda coming from the disillusioned leftists stating that healthcare is a right, but an examination of healthcare as a right reveals that to argue that it is a right is to argue for a falsehood, and to argue for a system of slavery. It also fails to compare to the historic rights enshrined in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Amongst the rights enshrined in the latter document (Declaration) are the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. An examination of these rights reveal that these are rights that do not rely upon the enslavement of any one to secure. In the case of a right to life, it is by the nature of breathing, eating and drinking that man maintains his life, and thus there is no need for outside parties to be enslaved to secure this right.
The right to liberty, or freedom, relies upon the exact opposite of slavery. That is, a man must be free from being enslaved by others, whether through being coerced into doing manual labor that he is not paid for, except in room and board, or through the immoral system of taxation that resembles the enslavement of man under the socialist income tax. The latter is like the first in that man is not truly emancipated, but is enslaved, because the product of his labor is stolen from him with out him being able to get any enjoyment out of it.
The pursuit of happiness when combined with the latter two is merely the guarantee that man will be allowed to choose his own career paths, and that he will not be forced to make choices that infringe upon his free will, and his own personal desires.
The first document mentioned, the Constitution, enshrines additional rights. These are the freedom of speech, or of expression, and this is another right that does not require the enslavement of others to be achieved. A man need not be told that he can speak in order to be able to speak. It is by the nature of man's anatomy that we are all born with the freedom of speech. The Constitution merely prohibits the federal government (and state governments) from infringing upon this right.
Next is the freedom of assembly, which is merely a stylized way of saying that man should be free to choose his friends, and gather in business establishments such as bars, restaurants, and in public locations such as squares and fields to talk with them freely. Once again, this right is created not by government intervention, but by the development of man as a social animal. Regardless of what government does or does not do we will all seek friends to associate with and gather in bars, restaurants, churches, fields and squares to meet them and assemble with them, and thus the government was prohibited from infringing upon this right.
These five examples would indicate that the rights that the founders guaranteed us are rights that we would have as human beings with out having to enslave others. The "right" to medical care being pushed by statist propagandists is not a right in the mold of above.
First and foremost it relies upon the forced labor of others (doctors and other medical practitioners) to achieve it. The government has even stated that it is going to enslave the medical practitioners by dictating how much they are compensated for their work and thus depriving them of their freedom to pursue happiness. This demonstrates that this so called freedom relies upon depriving others of their natural rights, and thus can not be categorized as a freedom, except perhaps as a freedom to enslave others. As such it needs to be rejected out of hand as not being a true freedom, but an excuse for reviving that dread practice of slavery, a practice that was partially revived by the imbecilic progressive income tax so loved by equally imbecilic statists and imbecilic socialists.
A further comparison of the rights enshrined in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence would reveal that all of those rights rely upon restricting the activities of other men to infringe upon the rights of life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness. Thus it can be asserted that the "right" to healthcare is a false right, and a lie. No one has this mythical right, because it is not a right. Healthcare is a commodity, unlike life and liberty which are inherent in man by virtue of his birth. It is also not a right like pursuit of happiness, which does not state that man has the right to enslave others in the pursuit of his happiness. The additional rights, right to bear arms, right to confront one's accusers, right to a fair and speedy trial, are all restrictions on the state meant to guarantee man's freedom, not to grant him a license to enslave others for his benefit. The arguments made by the left on this are clearly the arguments of immature imbeciles who have no concept of what a right is, and what a right is not. To be less polite, their arguments are the arguments of slavers and tyrants.
Sic Semper Tyrannis