Well-Known Member
What's stupid is you bitching like a little girl (This is coming from a chick, and that's pretty bad), go and cry somewhere else dude, your 2 year old hissy fits aren't welcome here. Hunt's also right, I'm not a He lol.What about potentially deadly?? How does rep calculate for that?
Edit: And for the denser folks, I mean potentially deadly in the sense that this is a STUPID combination of electricty and water without ANY protective barrier! Gotta love news film that includes both dead bodies and pot plants.. Its the conservative's wet dream..
Granted somebody obviously needs to die for this message to hit home... Hopefully it will be the OP.. He seems pretty useless anyways..
Double edit: He'll likely defend his position on the premise that styrofoam was guaranteeing his safety..
So I'd save cooling potential by removing the fan, which is the only thing that's pushing the cool air through the ducting, and I'm the dumb fucking idiot? Wow.... I don't even need to finish this statement lol.I guess dumb fucking idiots are on the protected species list around these parts.. Dude, you're teetering 120V aboove water, relying on styrofoamto keep you safe.. If you accidentally tip that thing over your floor becomes live and zaps ppl,
Why not a dedicated ground wire atleast you fucking tard-boxes??
Oh, and by the way, I did dome math, and the heat from your fan motor is likely reducing the cooling potential by 25-30% overall.. Basically what I'm saying is you would keep the temperature lower for a longer time if you merely removed the danger..
But by all means, get pissed off at me, and go kick that thing around to quell your frustration.. It would save me alot of fucking hassle protecting naive, but decent ppl..
Also you can't kick it over, it's too heavy with all the frozen bottles/water in there.
Like Hunt basically said, there's a difference between constructive criticism and being a complete and utter dick, you're the latter of the two.
If you're going to continue to be a dick about things then you can unsubscribe from this thread and stop being a little drama queen in here.