Help me pick soil from Home Depot???


Active Member
Ok I am ready. However pondering over the soil at Home Depot I was too unsure. Now from what I have read I need a very mild soil for my seedling germination with no fertilizer in it??? I want to use only sterilized soil with no chance of introducing any bugs! However the soil doesn't seem to say sterilized on the bags. Miracle grow is readily available but which kind is best for this? Moisture control, potting mix? I really need to know exactly what kind to get brand etc. It has to be something at Home Depot as I am low on cash. Also can I use the same stuff for the initial baby germination as the later stage transplant? I saw a smaller bag of a miracle grow seedling and young plant potting mix, but shyed away from it as it had a little fertilizer in it. Please tell this nob what to get so I can buy some dirt!


Active Member
At home depot the shot have a sectoin were they keep the Mgrow. There is little bag of soil there is seeding soil. You dont want soil with to many nutes right off the batt.


Well-Known Member
grab some compost while your at it. and mix it with whatever soil you choose to get, or compost is a great soil by itself.


Active Member
if you have a bug problem bake the dirt kills the buggs and there eggs and get that soil he said and then once its like a mounth old buy fox farms and transplant it


Well-Known Member
Growing quality marijuana it a very costly endeavor. Not to mention time consuming. If you are to low on cash for good soil im not sure you are in a position to get good results. I see way to many people risking way to much for what will be a very disappointing harvest. I dont want to discourage you but after years of growing I know its not as easy as putting a seed in dirt and waiting 60 days for a huge harvest. If you can save up and get the proper gear. It will greatly reduce your chances of failure. Good luck...


Well-Known Member
Home Depot has Scott's Potting Soil, which is about 6 bucks for a 1 cubic foot bag and 10 for a 2 cubic foot bag. I've used it thus far on seedlings up to 6 week old plants with no problems at all. (Least not from the soil lol)


Well-Known Member
off the top of the head, 5 parts peat, 3 parts perlite, 2 parts compost, then whatever the blood/bone say on the back, oh yeah you want some garden lime also dont want to forget that. Mix it all up water with some molasses 1tbs per gallon and let it sit for week or 2 if you can.
yea i've used organic MG soil with no problems however i mix it down with about 40% perlite and flush b4 planting seedlings, never had a problem however i've recently upgraded to fox farm


Well-Known Member
see plenty of mentions of MG soils, so i'll post my experience quick
there are 2 MG organic soils, MG Organic Garden and MG Organic Potting - i just had great results with the garden soil
MG Organic is on the acid side, 1 tbsp of dolomite per gallon soil really helps with ph
dolomite is a good idea for mixing with many soils for ph control


Well-Known Member
see plenty of mentions of MG soils, so i'll post my experience quick
there are 2 MG organic soils, MG Organic Garden and MG Organic Potting - i just had great results with the garden soil
MG Organic is on the acid side, 1 tbsp of dolomite per gallon soil really helps with ph
dolomite is a good idea for mixing with many soils for ph control

plus dolomite lime contains magnesium and calcium which is very important too


New Member
i get regular potting soil n peat moss.. i mix those together with perlite, vermiculite, bone n blood meal.. viola there you have it n no bugs..

loaded dervish

Active Member
ok start your seeds out with mg seeding soil. Then go to home depot and get patio soil it is the next best thing. That is what i am going to try did all the reserch and that is the best option. I hope this helps!