Running is good, but I would stop running 2-3 days prior to test. Remember that when you get active THC gets released from the fat into the blood. Your blood then filters through your liver and any toxins gets filtered out. Which lands up in your urine. So stop running a few days (minimum 2) before test to alow yourself to get rid of those toxins in your urine by drinking plenty of water and juice (anti-oxidants).
Plenty of water and I mean loads and loads. You'll feel like

but just do it.
You can try Vitamin B3 as well (Niacin). It has detox capabilities. Dont have too much of it or your boody will flush bright red and you'll itch like hell.
I'll be really surprised if they use the blood test to test for drugs as a urine test for drugs is much more acurate.
All the best, hope you make it.