296 Watt CFL White Widow & CA Hash Plant Grow


Calyx LED
I think I'm going to start the first feeding on Friday. I have been watering once a week VERY well. Every Friday.

Going with a solution of Distilled Water, Schultz 2-7-7 (4 drops per liter) + Schultz 8-14-9 (3 drops per liter) we'll see how that works to start. Ph'd to 6.5.


Active Member
you can easily start that baby on weak nutes ... i use shultz and i can blast mine and never burn them

10-15-10 it says use 7 drops per qt every feeding

i used 2 drops per .5 liter
then 7 drops per .5 liter
then 14
now i do 3 full dropper full which is probably about 40 drops? in .5

its great food for veg ( i think with my math at some point i was at like 850% of the 10-15-10 )


Calyx LED
Too good! I have seen this Schultz stuff popping up more and more. Must be pretty good shit!

----Both the Cactus and African Violet that I have say 7 drops per qt/liter also.


Active Member
i got the other kind for green's i only use it for veg then i just ween it off when i go to flower , i think bone meal for flowering is what im looking at maybe some big bud stuff if i can get ahold of it


Calyx LED
your leaves seem to be curlin on the edges you got a fan moving air around it?

looks like they tryin to find co2
I have a 1 Gallon bottle of homemade C02 with an air pump dumping it right onto the top of the plant while it is in the cabinet. I had a fan fairly close since day one - I think it was causing the leaves to curl. I have turned it to Low and moved it about 3ft back now. We'll see if that helps. I have been trying to figure that out for a while now...

What do you think?


Calyx LED
I started LST'ing tonight. Bent the girl right over! Pics when she turns around to look at me :)

I topped her this morning. Day 15!


Calyx LED

Day 16. You can also see my 1" Pot Grow starting off. The sprout is just about to pop soil. Tomorrow we'll see her for sure!


Calyx LED
Hell yeah Coor's Light! haha.

I'm gonna leave it in there the whole time. Just for shits and giggles. There are plenty of seeds left for me to mess around with :)


Well-Known Member
Love me some coors light man!!! I switched from Bud Light over cause the bl just wasn't getting me drunk man I could drink damn near a 12 pack without a buzz. Switched to coors light and damn man I get tore up on that shit now. Sorry if you've already said this but are you gonna go HID for the flowering chamber???
