Home Made Co2 Tutorial


Well-Known Member
Yea its all a big conspiracy.. Plants don't even use CO2.. the government and Fleishman's just want us to believe that.. Its tied into the whole Cuban embargo thing..


Well-Known Member
The recipe in the OP is poor and lacks any nutrition for the yeast to propagate a strong colony..
Tomato paste is a good nutrition source. Breakfast cereal is great.. Any kind of foodscrap will help really.. They really like boiled yeast to cannibalize, and multivitamines and high N fertilizer.. (Fertilizer choice is important if you want to drink it.. Ammonia Nitrate, or diammonium phosphate are best)..
Also, pH is best around the mid 4's.. Citric acid (lemon juice) or creme of tar tar to do that..
Guys i just did this bottle yeast sugar thing.Any way it smells like CO2 .Now is up and running let's see if i notes any different.


Well-Known Member
so if i ph hot water to 3-4 and add tomato paste or cereal the yeast will grow better and produce more? do i still add suger?


Well-Known Member
pH3 is too low.. pH4.5 after all additions is ideal.. The nutrient will help the yeast multiply and work fast, and yeast deal with low pH alot better than the undesirable bacteria for the most part..
Its also best to have that water as aerated as possible in the beginning (dissolved O2 allows multiplication) and warmed up to about 90-100°F.. Temperature will make things go faster until about 110°when yeast start to die, but high temperatures don't make for good drink.. Rum (molasses/sugar mix) ferments fine up to 85%, beers should be done around 68-72°F or lower depending on the type..
Also, in the very end of the ferment when they're getting stressed by alcohol%, its not a bad idea to drop the temperature a few degrees..
And that sludge from the bottom can be used both to get new batches fermenting, and boiled for really good nutrient in the next batch.. Eventually it will get pretty contaminated though, it depends on how sanitary you are..
I'd highly advise soaking everything in bleah water for 30min then rinsing thoroughly before using..
Lastly, rainwater is best for this.. Chlorine slows things down, adds stress, and causes more fusil production.. If your city adds 'chlorine' it can be removed by putting a bucket in sunlight for an afternoon or two.. If they add chloramine, then its alot tougher..


Well-Known Member
I'll say that unless you add a poison, its as safe as any wine.. Might give you the shits, but its gulpable when its settled clear..


Well-Known Member
i made jail hooch when i was 16 and did nt let it cook long enough only about a week so we added tranquilizers to it and i blacked out and walked into my buddies house at 2am on ac school night and almost caught a 12gauge blast from his grampa sleeping in the recliner lol that was crazy it makes me lol and grin now but being told about it later that week scared me pretty good he said "I come a hair of pulling that trigger"
Yeast- sugar- water in a 2L bottle WORKS JUST PERFACT!!!!! I did set it up 2 days ago and all I can tell 1 of my girl go crazy on it!!!! She has crystal all over on her .


Well-Known Member
It'll work a bit, but it will burn out long before its converted all that sugar and it will go to waste (its called a stuck fermentation).. If you give them a healthy diet and good environment then they'll produce CO2 much more steadily and efficiently, and convert all the sugar to CO2..


Well-Known Member
It'll work a bit, but it will burn out long before its converted all that sugar and it will go to waste (its called a stuck fermentation).. If you give them a healthy diet and good environment then they'll produce CO2 much more steadily and efficiently, and convert all the sugar to CO2..
how much grow nutes/ tomato paste should add?


Well-Known Member
Not alot, 150-200ppm of high N perhaps.. preferably pure N or DAP.. Concentration isn't critical, but don't go full plant strength..
As for tomato paste, an 8oz can per 5L gets the job done, but a can does fine in alot less too..